Investigation of Sensitive Thermal Sensors Based on Si<Pt> and Si<Pd>

Keywords: Temperature sensor, Silicon, Platinum, Palladium, Doping, Sensitivity


In this work, new sensitive thermal sensors based on Si<Pt> and Si<Pd> were developed. Single-crystal n- and p-type silicon samples doped with phosphorus and boron during growth were used for the study. These samples were first doped with platinum and palladium, then subjected to ohmic contact with nickel. To manufacture temperature sensors based on n-Si˂Pd˃ and obtain an ohmic contact, this material was subjected to appropriate mechanical and chemical treatments. Metallic nickel with a thickness d = 1 μm was chemically deposited on its surface, followed by thermal annealing in a vacuum at T = 400-450℃ for t = 10 - 15 minutes. To compare the created temperature sensors, a special measuring device, a thermostat, was developed to ensure uniform heat transfer.


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How to Cite
Utamuradova, S. B., Rakhmanov, D. A., & Abiyev, A. S. (2024). Investigation of Sensitive Thermal Sensors Based on Si<Pt> and Si<Pd&gt;. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 375-378.

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