Stunning destinies of famous students of Kharkov university

  • Felix ANDREEV
Keywords: love, students of Kharkov University, Sergei Yesenin, Galina Benislavskaya, Dvora Netzer, harmony of personality


In the destiny of a woman at all times, a great role was played by love. Is the life of a woman always wonderful when it is governed by love? The article attempts to answer this question by the example of two student-peers of the same department of Kharkov University. One of them is Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya. She was a journalist, literary worker, friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin, who selflessly loved the poet and became for him “mother-servant”. Her destiny allows us to confirm the opposite: on December 3, 1926, she shot herself at the poet's grave. The article contains little-known facts from her personal life and creativity. Another student is Dvora Israilevna Nezer. They both are outstanding personalities, representatives of the     generation     of     women     who     fought     for     gender     equality.  Unlike G. A. Benislavskaya, the destiny of D. I. Netzer was successful, thanks to the fact that she did not divide her life into constituent parts: love, husband, children, career. Little-known facts of her biography are cited. She was happy in marriage, raised two children (daughter, professor Rina Shapiro – winner of the Israel Prize in the field of education), reached unprecedented political heights for the students of the Kharkov University (she became deputy chairman of the Knesset). It is asserted that irrespective of the choice of profession and the way of its realization, acceptance and reassessment of religious and moral beliefs, political views, the adoption of a set of social roles regarding marriage, motherhood, etc., the harmony of personality plays a decisive role in the destiny of women. At the same time, the author does not deny the great role of love in the life of mankind.



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How to Cite
ANDREEV, F. (2019). Stunning destinies of famous students of Kharkov university. Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 1(3), 4-30.