Female characters in the novel The Moor’s Last Sigh as the key element to revealing Indian identity

  • Maria Obykhvist
Keywords: Salman Rushdie, The Moor’s Last Sigh, female characters, female, feminist, feminine


The article is dedicated to the analysis of female characters in the novel The Moor’s Last Sigh by Salman Rushdie. Our aim is to understand better the evolution of artistic images by highlighting and researching the means the author uses for revealing the «nature» and «socialization» of a woman. The novel appeals to the understanding of a woman’s place in the socio-historical processes of the modern world. The author reveals a woman’s identity which is formed under the influence of the globalization factors as well as other ones. India’s modern history becomes the background for the evolution of the female characters. Salamn Rushdie is an English writer of an Indian origin who reveals in front of a reader bright and unique India, while he himself is caught between two cultural worlds – his native Indian and acquired European. In order to reveal the evolution of female characters, we will scrutinize the way in which the author describes motherhood and love in their lives.



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How to Cite
Obykhvist, M. (1). Female characters in the novel The Moor’s Last Sigh as the key element to revealing Indian identity. Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 1(2), 52-68. https://doi.org/10.26565/2521-6481-2017-2-4