Problems and Prospects of Ukraine Integration to the European Cluster Network

Keywords: Cluster Development, Innovation Policy, Cluster, Clusterization


In the context of intensive integration, Ukraine’s access to international markets, clusters become a means of promoting the exchange of information and the emergence of new producers that appear from the supplier or consumer industries, as well as from related industries. Clusters are growth centers, and it is with their assistance that national industries are able to maintain their superiority among other countries. The development of clusters is of particular importance for stimulating the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, and cluster policy, in turn, becomes an important component of economic development and economic policy in Ukraine. Clustering covers all relevant stakeholders at the state level, at the local government level, scientific communities and education, cluster enterprises, business associations and the like. Therefore, the cluster is a promising medium for the links development to enhance competitiveness. Within the clusters, enterprises can overcome isolation and take advantage of collective efficiency. Clustering defines growth opportunities and can become a powerful tool for economic and social development. Moreover, at the institutional level, cluster initiatives allow to concentrate resources in the target area and, thus, promote knowledge, corporate governance and industrial skills, which in turn lead to many positive impacts on economic development. The article outlines the current trends in the activation of cluster initiatives and presents the main features of the genesis of clusterization. Problems with the peculiarities of the gradual clusters formation have been identified and disclosed. The road map for the Ukrainian clusters formation is presented. The clustering features in the regions are formed, the cluster development resources are identified, the cluster support models are accentuated.


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How to Cite
Rodchenko, V., & Khripunova, D. (2018). Problems and Prospects of Ukraine Integration to the European Cluster Network. Social Economics, 55, 132-141.