Social Economics 2025-02-13T19:22:14+00:00 Olha Hluschenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Prof Open Journal Systems <p style="line-height: 18.75pt; background: white; margin: 15.0pt 0cm 15.0pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI',sans-serif;">The scientific journal "Social Economics" is a professional edition category "B" in the field of economic sciences (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020).</span></p> <p>The journal is dedicated to highlighting the results of research on issues of labor motivation, management at various economy levels , the credit and monetary system, accounting and auditing, international economics and the world economy, economics and mathematical methods and models, statistical analysis and marketing strategies.</p> <p>Specialties:</p> <ul> <li class="show">051 "Economics",</li> <li class="show">072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance",</li> <li class="show">073 "Management",</li> <li class="show">075 "Marketing",</li> <li class="show">076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities".</li> </ul> <p>Articles written by researchers, lecturers, practitioners, postgraduates of economic specialties are accepted for publication.</p> CORPORATIZATION OF RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE IN UKRAINE, POLAND, AND KAZAKHSTAN: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MODELS AND OUTCOMES 2025-02-13T18:57:27+00:00 Igor Dunayev Serhii Hromov <p>This paper presents a comparative analysis of the models and outcomes of railway infrastructure corporatization in Ukraine, Poland, and Kazakhstan. The article aims to identify the key success factors, challenges, and opportunities for adapting the best practices of railway reform to the Ukrainian context. This goal is achieved through several research tasks: summarizing the historical context and evolution of railway corporatization in Ukraine; reviewing the initial conditions and main stages of railway corporatization in Poland and Kazakhstan; conducting a cross-comparative analysis of key indicators and reform outcomes; identifying lessons and recommendations for Ukraine based on the experiences of Poland and Kazakhstan; and developing proposals for applying successful foreign experiences to reform Ukraine’s railway system and foster national economic development. The research is based on a combination of historical and comparative methods. The authors provide a retrospective analysis of the corporatization process of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia," identifying its main stages and outcomes. Through examples from Poland and Kazakhstan, alternative models of railway sector reform are analysed, considering both Eurointegration and Eurasian geopolitical contexts. Comparing the dynamics of key operational and financial indicators of railway companies in the three countries allowed for an assessment of the effectiveness of different approaches to corporatization. The article argues that successful reform of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" in the context of post-war recovery is critically dependent on creatively adapting Polish and Kazakh experiences, integrating them with Ukrainian realities. Three strategic priorities are proposed: optimizing the railway network for new logistics flows; digital transformation and process automation; and expanding public-private partnerships and cooperation with European railways. Key steps for implementation and ways to address challenges related to investment shortages and workforce deficits are outlined. The approaches and recommendations presented in the article may be useful for the management of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia," government officials, experts, and all stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of Ukraine’s post-war railway sector recovery strategy.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TRENDS OF THE TOURISM SPHERE IN UKRAINE: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS 2025-02-13T18:58:17+00:00 Ihor Kulyniak <p>The study is devoted to the analysis of scientific research trends of the tourism sphere in Ukraine using bibliometric analysis of scientific publications published in the international scientometric database Scopus. The article outlines the current state of the scientific research development in the field of tourism, identifies the most relevant topics and promising directions of research in the tourism sphere of Ukraine. The research methodology includes three main stages: data search and collection, data processing and visualization, as well as analysis of the obtained results. For data collection, the Scopus database was used, with an emphasis on publications containing the keywords “touris*” and “Ukraine” for the period 1977-2024. The author carried out the data processing using the VOSviewer program, which made it possible to build a network map and identify five key clusters that reflect the main directions of research. The identified clusters indicate important aspects such as tourism development and tourism services market, recreation and ecology, economics and management of tourism industry, socio-demographic aspects of tourism, pandemic and technological innovation in tourism. On the basis of the data on the occurrences and the total link strength of the identified keywords, which are used to indicate the types of tourism, the author made conclusions about the specialized tourism development trends in Ukraine. The author found that the scientific attention is focused on the research of tourism types that are related to ecology, sustainable development and agriculture (ecotourism, agritourism, rural tourism), health care (medical tourism) and historical and cultural heritage (heritage tourism, dark tourism, religious tourism). The study analyses the chronological evolution of the publishing activity of researchers. The author revealed a gradual transition from social and environmental issues to the study of economic conditions, technological, innovative development and adaptation to new challenges faced by the tourism sphere in Ukraine in modern conditions. This study is useful for the formation of strategies for the tourism sphere development of Ukraine and the identification of priority topics for further scientific research, taking into account modern trends, challenges and opportunities.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES IN UKRAINE AND THE EU COUNTRIES 2025-02-13T18:59:58+00:00 Mykhailo Maksymov <p>The article provides a review of existing research on government policy in the field of support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and concludes that the research mainly focuses on descriptive evaluations. Based on this, a proposal has been formulated to apply a data-driven approach to shaping directions and measures for effective SME development support policies. The aim of this study is to substantiate proposals for promoting the development of SMEs based on a comparative analysis of business density and productivity indicators in Ukraine and the EU. The object of the study is the SME sector in Ukraine and the EU, while the subject is the statistical indicators of its performance. The article examines the current state of SMEs, focusing on business density per 10,000 people and the output per employee, comparing these indicators with the EU average and separately with each EU member state.</p> <p>It has been found that as the size of a business increases, the output per employee also rises. From 2011 to 2020, the average business density in Ukraine ranged between 80% and 95% of the EU average but dropped to 67.58% in 2021, reflecting the EU's more effective business support policies post-COVID-19. In 2022, it further declined to 58.18%, demonstrating the negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Ukrainian businesses.</p> <p>The output per employee in Ukrainian businesses is significantly lower than in EU businesses: 2.12 times lower for large businesses, 1.82 times lower for medium-sized businesses, 4.47 times lower for small businesses, and 5.57 times lower for micro-businesses.</p> <p>The volume of goods and services per employee across different sectors of the Ukrainian economy was also analyzed. The most productive sector is J – Information and Telecommunications, while the least productive is E – Water supply; sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities.</p> <p>A policy direction has been proposed to encourage the establishment of new businesses and the transition of existing businesses to higher-productivity sectors, as well as to organize measures to support productivity growth in the least productive sectors.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TAX BEHAVIOR: AVOIDANCE VS EVASION (ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE WORLD) 2025-02-13T19:00:44+00:00 Tamara Merkulova <p>The article is devoted to the study of behavioural aspects of taxation. A significant problem of effective taxation is taxpayers’ reduction of tax liabilities through shortcomings in tax laws, uncertainty in their statements, direct violation of tax norms, and the use of illegal schemes to reduce the tax base. Taxpayer behaviour is of key importance for the effectiveness of tax policy, filling the budget, and performing state functions, which determines the relevance of this issue.</p> <p>The object of the analysis presented in the article is tax behaviour types: tax avoidance and tax evasion. The research purpose is to identify the relationship between GDP, as a general indicator of socio-economic development, and tax revenue loss due to tax abuse. Taking into account the important role of offshores in legal and illegal schemes for reducing tax liabilities, an indicator of offshore wealth was involved in the analysis. The preliminary research hypotheses are based on the methodology of behavioral economics. The identification of the relationship between indicators was carried out using correlation analysis.</p> <p>A comparative analysis of the character and strength of the&nbsp;relationship between variables carried out for the sample of 174 countries of the world and the set of the European Union (27 countries) uncovered significant differences between these sets. The most important finding is that the strength of the&nbsp;relationship between GDP and each tax behaviour type in the European Union is the same and stronger than in the&nbsp;general set, where tax avoidance dominates tax evasion.</p> <p>Analysis of the European Union countries sample showed that offshore wealth has a very close relationship with losses caused by both tax behaviour types, in contrast to the general set of countries, where tax avoidance has a&nbsp;weaker relationship (correlation 0.64 versus 0.91). This confirms the more active involving offshore technologies in tax behaviour in European countries compared to the general sample.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DETERMINATION OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION OF STUDENTS: THE CORRUPTION COMPONENT 2025-02-13T19:02:10+00:00 Olena Oliinyk <p>In the scientific article, the author researched the relationship between the country's attractiveness for foreign students and the absence of corruption (on the example of OECD countries) using such scientific methods as theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis; statistical analysis; correlation analysis; economic and mathematical modelling. The author analysed the approaches of scientists to determining the factors of international migration of students. The author used the OECD talent attractiveness indicator - foreign students as a dependent variable to study the relationship between corruption and international student migration to study at universities. The author used Factor 2 "Absence of corruption" of the Rule of Law Index of the World Justice Project regarding civil servants in the following branches of state power: executive, judicial, law enforcement and military, legislative as independent variables to determine the level of the absence of corruption in the country. The results of the correlation analysis in general proved a strong relationship between the attractiveness of the country for foreign students and the absence of corruption (the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.774). At the same time, the most significant in this aspect is the absence of corruption in the executive authorities, because the education and residence of migrant students in the destination country depends more on the executive authorities and university management, which are responsible for the implementation of specific procedures and services. To detail this relationship, the author built a one-factor correlation-regression model using the GRETL software product of the form У=0.4079Х<sub>1</sub>+0.1691. Thus, the author proved a close direct relationship between the absence of corruption in the country and its attractiveness for obtaining higher education by students from abroad. Therefore, countries need to make maximum efforts to combat this shameful phenomenon in order to attract and retain foreign students.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EXISTENTIAL VECTOR OF THE ORGANIZATIONS' DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSITION TO INDUSTRY 5.0 2025-02-13T19:02:56+00:00 Halyna Ostrovska Oleksandr Plotnikov Vitaly Nedilenko <p>The article focuses on the study of the development of enterprises in the process of transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. The paper examines the impact of the existential approach on the evolution of organizations during this transition and identifies strategies and practices that promote a deeper understanding and effective implementation of human capital in the context of digital transformation. The study considers and analyzes the theoretical body of scientific literature, as well as the content of theories and studies related to the existential focus in managing the development of organizations in the transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0, including works of philosophical, sociological, economic and managerial nature that explore the relationship between the human factor and technological progress. The research highlights the key aspects of digital transformation of organizations in the process of transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0, based on the principles of the existential approach. The article analyzes the characteristics of the evolution of digital transformation of organizations in the transition to Industry 5.0 and the challenges they face. The authors investigate the essence of the concept of "existential challenge" and its impact on modern organizations. Based on the basic principles of the existential approach to the development of organizations, the paper outlines their digital transformation, the actual features of Industry 5.0 and its implementation, emphasizing the intellectual role of the core higher education institution as a system integrator in the formation of digital chains of specialized institutions in the regional industrial cluster of Industry 5.0. We study practical examples of the effective implementation of the concept of existential focus in breakthrough technologies in a number of countries, as well as in the development strategies of companies, and offer practical recommendations for organizations to implement an existential approach in the context of Industry 5.0. This research provides a multidimensional comparative analysis that compares general trends with unique global and domestic practices that may be useful for organizations in the context of Industry 5.0.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SCIENTIFIC AND ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDAMENTALS OF THE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGIES OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS 2025-02-13T19:04:43+00:00 Volodymir Rasevych Iryna Rasevych <p>The article was investigated the ways of activating the innovative development of agricultural enterprises. It was confirmed the importance of strengthening the innovative development of the agricultural industry, it was assessed its main trends were determined, and the level of efficiency of innovative activity. It was determined methods and tools for stimulating the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises. It was defined an evaluation of the constituent elements of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex. It was developed scientific and organizational approaches to the transfer of knowledge-intensive products in agro-industrial complexes. It was determined the current state and prospects of innovative development of agro-enterprises. It was provided proposals for filling the agro-food market with innovative products. It was shown that increasing the activity of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises will ensure increased competitiveness and economic efficiency of production. It was noted that in order to intensify innovation processes in agro-industrial production, an important condition is to overcome obstacles, namely, limited financial capabilities, weak support from the state and low demand for innovative developments by consumers. It was emphasized the necessity to solve the problem of practical application of the results of scientific research and development. It was identified ways of their effective commercialization that will facilitate the dissemination of developments and increase the competitiveness of national agricultural products in the domestic and global markets and will assist to bridge the gap between science and industry by strengthening cooperation and ensuring that innovations reach their potential market application. The obtained results are the basis for further innovations and investments in the development of the agricultural production system of research institutions and their research and experimental bases.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EMPLOYEE SOCIAL MOBILITY AS AN INDICATOR OF SOCIAL VULNERABILITY 2025-02-13T19:06:03+00:00 Alina Stozhok <p>The article highlights the relationship between social vulnerability and social mobility, with the latter serving as both a factor of vulnerability and a predictor of social risks, especially in the context of ongoing hostilities engendered by Russia's full-scale invasion. The study employed various methods, including induction, deduction, generalization, classification, analysis, comparison, data processing, and a systematic approach. The article examines the social vulnerability index across different geographical regions and emphasizes the importance of utilizing this index for the Ukraine recovering taking into account implications of Russia's invasion. The factors contributing to the increase in social vulnerability are analyzed, with significant attention given to the forced migration of the Ukrainian population, physical and mental trauma, labor market restructuring, and inequality in access to social services. The author advocates for the coordinated involvement of the state, businesses, and public institutions in the rehabilitation and integration of socially vulnerable individuals. This includes the accumulation of social and human capital, providing access to social protection systems, creating an inclusive environment, and developing programs for the return of Ukrainian war refugees. The activities of the State Employment Service to support veterans, combatants, and veterans with disabilities are also examined. The article reviews the involvement of Ukrainian companies in the professional integration of veterans by creating an inclusive environment and offering professional training opportunities. Key indicators of quality of life and happiness are analyzed to underscore the priority of implementing programs that strengthen integrity, good governance, and democracy, with consideration for human-centered and gender-responsive approaches. The article also substantiates the importance of initiatives and measures to enhance socio-economic sustainability and state recovery to achieve the goals of European integration. Finally, it is proved that under martial law, the social mobility of the working population exacerbates social vulnerability, thereby increasing the likelihood of social risks.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MULTIFACTOR APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF RATIONAL LAND USE METHODOLOGY 2025-02-13T19:06:41+00:00 Iryna Yasinetska Tetiana Kushniruk Oleksandr Kharchenko <p>The article is devoted to identifying the main unresolved problems of land use in Ukraine. The paper examines the issues of land relations and rational use of land resources reflected in the scientific literature. The authors consider the importance of a methodological approach to the development of land relations and rational land use. The study focuses on the laws of rational land use, formalization and justification of ways to implement them in practice. The article proves that solving the problems of rational land use is a prerequisite for the spatial development of Ukraine and, ultimately, the most important factor in ensuring its sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life and national security. According to the study, the systemic criterion of rational land use is its efficiency. It derives the essential nature of the processes of rational land use, which contains the fundamental points, and substantiates their content. The authors emphasize that the land policy in Ukraine is aimed at improving the economic, environmental and social efficiency of land use, but insufficient attention has been paid to the environmental component. The paper highlights the relevance of developing clear standards for the values of indicators reflecting the environmental efficiency of land use and regulating its environmental aspects in the context of active processes of land degradation in agricultural areas, soil destruction and land pollution. The article shows the importance of solving the complex problem of rational use of land through the development, substantiation and implementation of an organizational and managerial mechanism containing built-in structural elements: economic, environmental, social, production, and regulatory and legal. We conduct a comparative analysis of the market and planned methods and instruments used to regulate land relations. The authors focus on the role of the state and the legal framework in regulating land relations, a differentiated approach to their subjects, and the specifics of the economic model within which rational land use is ensured.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS 2025-02-13T19:07:59+00:00 Valentyna Litynska <p>Modern consumers are faced with rapid changes in the socio-economic environment, which affects their behavior. That is why there is a need to study the theoretical foundations of consumer behavior in modern conditions. The article analyzes various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “consumer behavior” and offers its own vision of this concept. In addition, summarizing different approaches to determining the types of consumer behavior, the article proposes the types of consumer behavior that most correspond to consumer trends and the use of which will be appropriate in determining target consumer segments under modern conditions.</p> <p>The following methods were used during the research: method of generalization, method of systematization, method of analysis and synthesis.</p> <p>Summarizing scientific approaches, the article develops the following types of consumer behavior, which today most correspond to consumer trends and are widely used by marketers to determine target consumer segments: consumer who chooses, consumer-communicator, consumer-researcher, consumer who is a consumer. in search of himself, hedonistic consumer, victim consumer, rebel consumer, activist consumer, citizen consumer.</p> <p>Understanding and defining target consumer segments is an important component of successful marketing strategy and product development, as it allows companies to tailor their offerings to be as attractive as possible to their target audience.&nbsp;</p> <p>Defining target consumer segments is a key component of successful marketing strategy and product development, as it allows companies to tailor their offerings to be as attractive as possible to their target audience. The study of the scientific approaches of foreign scientists to the study of consumer behavior made it possible to develop models of consumer behavior that most accurately predict consumer behavior in modern conditions, since today the purchasing power of the population has significantly decreased. These are such models as: a need-motivation model, a decision-making model, a model of the influence of the social environment, a model of the structure of consumer relations, a model of the distribution of responsibility for decision-making.</p> <p>Thus, the models described in the table allow a better understanding of consumer behavior and can be used by companies to develop marketing strategies, market analysis and predict trends in the consumer market. They will also help researchers develop new theories and approaches to the study of consumer behavior.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEDICATING PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS TO DIGITAL MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS 2025-02-13T19:09:02+00:00 Tinatin Mshvidobadze Maka Sosanidze <p>Marketing campaigns are an important marketing process that supports the communication of brands and products to the general public.&nbsp; Because of the proliferation of products and brands, even larger number of market segments, fierceness of competition, and overall acceleration of change, marketing campaigns have become complex and their planning and administrative decisions must be made under increasing time pressure. Indeed, timing and sequencing activities within a campaign is one of the critical decision variables. In this paper, we argue that by using a process definition language to describe marketing campaigns, we can facilitate the management of many competing campaigns through automation. &nbsp;The article the essence and structure of marketing management of the enterprise is highlighted. The role of marketing is formulated for company management and its impact on the effective functioning of the enterprise. The article discusses various studies considering digital tools for the project supplier marketing process.&nbsp; Based on the results of this research, we present a list of some digital tools that can be used in project marketing. This research contributes to new knowledge about digital project marketing about digital tools and their use in the project marketing process.</p> <p>The paper aims to present an open source web-based application tool to support business users in modeling business processes using Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), an OMG standard for process modeling. Moreover, the tool allows you to execute a business process diagram in a Business Process Execution Language (XML Process Description Language) that can be understood by a workflow engine. In this paper, we describe its architecture, functionality, and capabilities.</p> <p>The typical multi-agent system used for campaign management can be easily extended to manage workflows of other concurrent processes. Another future direction in this regard is the development of an integrated scheduling algorithm that can create a robust process model. We can limit the input requirements to just a list of activities and their priority requirements, eliminating the need for a formal representation of the processes.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT TRENDS, PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES OF WINE TOURISM 2025-02-13T19:09:59+00:00 Sopio Tsetskhladze Lali Osadze <p>The purpose of the article is to study wine tourism: wine and its accompanying products as the main means of attracting wine tourists. The importance of wine tourism in all tourism is highlighted by the trend of their increasing presence. The study is based on the experience of countries distinguished by wine tourism, data from international and local organizations, and a discussion of the current situation in Georgia. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that in countries known for wine tourism, wine and its accompanying products are one of the important means of attracting tourists and development of business. It is recognized that the wine tourism industry is one of the leading and most modern industries in the world, which is successfully used for economic development by countries that are prominent in this field. Wine is strongly linked to cultural and culinary heritage, the environment and the economy. An important factor contributing to the development of wine tourism is the organization of wine tours and wine festivals. International events, conferences, festivals organized by the United Nations World Tourism Organization contribute to the popularization of wine tourism and Georgian wine. In Georgia, more attention has recently been paid to the quality of wine, which strengthens the country's image as a quality wine producer in the world. Georgian qvevri wine has been included in the list of cultural heritage by UNESCO. The International Organization of Vine and Wine has included 8 Georgian wines in the list of special wines of the world. Attention is drawn to the opinion of specialists about Georgian wine. They note the special taste qualities of Georgian wine, its ancient history and culture. This fact contributes to attracting tourists and developing wine tourism.&nbsp; &nbsp;It has been proved that state support and various marketing events play a major role in achieving success. In the process of research, quantitative and qualitative research methods are used, appropriate analysis is made. As a result of the research, the research hypothesis was confirmed, a conclusion was formed and recommendations were developed. The expressed opinions and recommendations are important for field specialists, scientists and all interested persons.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL INTERNET TRADE IN THE MINDS OF THE BUSINESS CENTER 2025-02-13T19:10:44+00:00 Tetiana Chernukha <p>The formation of key trajectories of the development of the global economy is closely related to the expansion of the use of modern information and communication technologies. An indicative aspect of this development trajectory is the establishment of trade relations with the help of Internet trade tools, which is a very promising direction of modern business operations on the Internet. It has been established that the increased use and integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) have far-reaching consequences, indirectly affecting various types of economic activity, especially those related to ICT-related industries. The organization of trade with the help of Internet technologies acts as a catalyst and stimulus for economic growth, opening a new qualitative stage of development.</p> <p>Close monitoring of the evolution of international Internet trade made it possible to comprehensively characterize the nature of its development, identify trends, and outline both promising milestones and potential threats in the complex web of international economic relations. Thus, a thorough study of trends and an assessment of the prospects of international Internet trade remains an urgent task in modern conditions. This search makes a significant contribution to understanding the nuances of dynamics, provides insight into the trajectory of international economic interactions, and promotes an active approach to solving new challenges facing the world.</p> <p>The purpose of the article is a critical study and analysis of the role of international Internet trade as a modern alternative to traditional methods of selling goods.</p> <p>The article examines the key features and mechanisms of international Internet trade, highlights its advantages and challenges in comparison with classical approaches to sales. The impact of technological progress, digital platforms and e-commerce trends on the evolution of international trade and consumer behavior is assessed. The potential consequences and future prospects of international Internet trade are identified, taking into account both the opportunities and risks for businesses operating in the global digital market.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE INFLUENCE OF WORK DISCIPLINE AND JOB CHARACTERISTICS ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE 2025-02-13T19:12:07+00:00 Candra Kirana Yusuf Ronny Edward Yeni Ariesa Melfrianti Romauli Purba <p>The purpose of writing this article is to examine the factors that influence and how to produce the desired employee performance in accordance with company goals, which always want the productivity of each employee to increase. Work motivation is everything that gives rise to a spirit or drive of work. Therefore, work motivation as a driver of work enthusiasm, because people who have high motivation will try their best and will form an increase in work productivity. The theoretical and practical aspects of achieving goals according to the vision and mission that have been set by the organisation are highly dependent on the individual / human. The relationship between work discipline and job characteristics on employee performance can be improved through training, training, technical guidance, comparative studies and experience with other regions. This research was conducted at the Labuhan Batu Regency Regional Revenue Agency which has the status of Civil Servants totalling 57 people. The inductive analysis map according to Dyike Adella Ramdhani developed and presented in the identification shows that job characteristics and individual characteristics have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through work motivation as a mediating variable. Work motivation has a partial mediating effect on employee performance. The direction of influence of this variable is also positive, which means that the higher the level of compatibility of job characteristics and individual characteristics of employees, the higher the employee performance. The scientific and practical tools of the process approach in the management of work discipline and job characteristics have been systematised. The article states that good performance is basically a performance that meets organizational standards in supporting the achievement of organizational goals, a good organization should be an organization that tries to improve the ability of its employee resources, improving employee performance will have an impact on progress for the company, so the most serious efforts in achieving success and realizing goals in the survival of the company.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EFFECT OF WORK FACILITIES AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (STUDY CASE: EDUCATION OFFICE IN LABUHAN BATU) 2025-02-13T19:12:53+00:00 Neliana Sofiyan Mohd. Nawi Purba Alex Tribuana Sutanto <p>The research objective of this article is to examine the factors that influence and how to utilise work facilities and organisational commitment in accordance with company goals. Employees and organisations are a unity that cannot be separated from one another or need each other, because the quality of performance produced by an organisation is the result of the performance of employees in the organisation. Therefore, to get human resources in accordance with the needs, a strategy is needed. The potential of human resources has a great influence on the success of the organisation in achieving its goals. A good organisation is an organisation that is able to create good performance, to achieve this, it requires employees who have a high work ethic, have a high commitment to take a role in order to anticipate opportunities, challenges and threats in an effort to achieve organisational goals. Theoretical and practical components, assess how effectively an activity, program, or policy is executed in achieving the goals, objectives, vision, and mission outlined in an organization’s plan. To maintain employee performance, the organization focuses on key factors such as organizational commitment, work facilities, and motivation, all of which are essential in enhancing employee performance. The relationship between work facilities and organisational commitment to employee performance is by maintaining the availability of facilities and infrastructure that are easily accessible to employees, so that in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of employees can be reflected in the loyalty of employees or employees to their organisation. This research was conducted at the Labuhanbatu Regency Education Agency which has the status of Civil Servants totalling 61 people. Based on the inductive analysis map, it’s evident that the quality of work facilities and the organization’s commitment to employee performance both play a crucial and substantial role in enhancing employee performance. The influence of this variable is positive, indicating that providing supportive work facilities can facilitate employees in completing their tasks and foster a strong sense of loyalty to the organization.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPACT OF KPIS ON OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN TRADING ENTERPRISES 2025-02-13T19:14:17+00:00 Іhor Rekunenko Iana Kobushko Roman Shubenko <p>This study investigates the impact of key performance indicators on operational efficiency and competitive advantage in trading enterprises, using secondary data and econometric modeling. Analyzing data from 50 firms across seven countries over a five-year period (2019-2023), the research employs a panel data regression model to assess how various KPIs influence operational outcomes and market positioning. The results reveal that KPIs related to productivity, cost management, and quality control significantly enhance operational efficiency and competitive advantage. Additionally, firm size and market conditions are found to moderate these relationships, highlighting the importance of contextual factors in KPI effectiveness. The results of the study show that KPIs are effective tools for optimizing operational processes. Firms with high KPIs achieve a better competitive position in the market, reinforcing the notion that well-managed KPIs significantly contribute to a firm's ability to outperform competitors. This study contributes to the academic understanding of KPI impact by confirming established theories and introducing new insights into the role of external factors. Practically, the findings offer actionable recommendations for trading enterprises to optimize their KPI frameworks, suggesting that tailored KPI strategies can lead to substantial improvements in performance and market success. The study underscores the critical role of KPIs as strategic tools for enhancing firm performance and maintaining a competitive edge in the global market. The research's limitations include the relatively small sample size and limited time frame, which suggest the need for further studies to validate and extend these findings. Trading companies must constantly improve their KPI strategies to adapt to changing conditions and maximize their benefits, ensuring they remain leaders in their industries.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP AND WORK ABILITY ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH JOB SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING 2025-02-13T19:15:04+00:00 Husni Thamrin Ritonga Syaifuddin Salman Faris Myrna Pratiwi Nasution <p>The research objective of this article is to examine the factors that influence and how to utilize resources to be managed in accordance with company goals. Human resources are one of the most important factors in the organization, because the quality of the organization itself is highly dependent on the quality of human resources as employees and service actors in an organization. Therefore, to get human resources in accordance with the needs of a strategy in managing human resources, good human resource management will provide progress for the company, especially in dealing with situations and conditions that are always changing and developing. Organizations also have goals that need to be carried out by leaders who provide impetus, cause, channel, and maintain the behavior of employees so that they are willing to work in accordance with what the organization wants. The theoretical and practical aspects of functional tasks relate to how well employees get the job done, while behavioural tasks relate to the ability of employees to handle inter-personal activities with other members in the organization including overcoming conflict, managing time, empowering others, working in a group and working independently. The relationship between leadership and work ability on employee performance can be improved through the use of authority to direct subordinates in doing work to achieve the goals of the organization, carrying out the tasks assigned to them based on skills, experience, and sincerity and time. This research was conducted at the Labuhan Batu Regency Regional Revenue Agency which has the status of Civil Servants totalling 57 people. The inductive analysis map according to Ni Kadek Yuli developed and presented in the identification shows that Work Ability, Work Facilities and Motivation on Employee Performance have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The direction of the influence of this variable is also positive, which means that the higher the ability of an employee to complete his duties and responsibilities and good facilities, it motivates employees to improve their performance. The scientific and practical tools of the process approach in managing work leadership and capabilities have been automated. The article states that good leadership is basically a leader who is able to make decisions, motivate, communicate, and control subordinates. Meanwhile, work ability is a result of work achieved or a person's expertise in carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skills, experience, and seriousness and time.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND WORK MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH JOB SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE AT PT SUPRA PRIMATAMA NUSANTARA TERRITORY WEST 1 - SUMATRA 2025-02-13T19:15:58+00:00 Winda Melina Hutapea Nagian Toni Cut Fitri Rostina Elly Romy <p>The research objective of this article is to examine the factors that influence Organisational Culture and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. The development of an increasingly broad and complex business world has an impact on qualified and competent human resources, which is one of the company's needs and is the main element that must be managed in order to achieve company goals. Organisational culture has an important impact on performance. Therefore, companies need to form an organisational culture that develops so as to create performance that is aligned with organisational goals. A strong culture will show high agreement on organisational goals among its members. Unanimity towards goals will form attachment, loyalty, and organisational commitment, this condition will further reduce the tendency of employees to leave the organisation.&nbsp; In addition to organisational culture, work motivation is a factor that can affect employee performance. Therefore, to achieve its goals, a strategy is needed to create organisational culture and work motivation. Theoretical and practical aspects, culture brings a sense of identity for members of the organisation, forming high organisational commitment in each member, shaping employee attitudes and behaviour, both in interacting internally and externally to the organisation. And Motivation is believed to increase the productivity of each employee, increase the work enthusiasm of each employee, increase the work creativity of each employee and increase the loyalty of each employee to the company. This research was conducted at PT Supra Primatama Nusantara (Biznet) Territory West 1 - Sumatra with 72 people. The inductive analysis map shows that organisational culture and work motivation on employee performance have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The direction of influence of this variable is also positive, which means that the better organisational culture of an organisation will increase job satisfaction and good Work Motivation will provide enthusiasm and positivism in carrying out its performance.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROFITABILITY OF ENTERPRISE IN THE CONDITIONS OF WARTIME: THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2025-02-13T19:17:32+00:00 Nataliia Oliinyk Tetiana Lyzhenkova <p>The purpose of the article is to form a clear understanding of the approaches to calculating the profitability of domestic enterprises in wartime conditions, to analyze the current state, and to determine the directions for increasing the profitability of logistics company «Nova Post». During the course of the work, general research methods such as comparison, statistical grouping, structuring, forecasting, and a systematic approach were applied.</p> <p>The conducted research provides grounds to establish that at the current stage of economic development, the profitability indicator plays a leading role in the analysis of enterprises' activities. The importance of this indicator is revealed during the analysis of the activities of economic entities in wartime conditions, as it allows for the most comprehensive and detailed assessment of resource efficiency and overall profitability of the enterprise, considering certain challenges in the legal, economic, and socio-political environment of the state. It has been established that under peaceful conditions and market economy (throughout the country), as well as under hybrid warfare conditions in the part of the territory where market relations are maintained and there are no military operations, three groups of indicators should be used to calculate enterprise profitability: cost, income, and resource. Under the introduction of martial law and full-scale military operations, it is advisable to calculate enterprise profitability based on the profitability indicators of the enterprise personnel, as the national economy during the war effectively switches to a command-administrative system. For the successful development of the logistics company «Nova Post», it is necessary to constantly work on finding appropriate directions for increasing its income and the level of profitability. If the enterprise aims to maximize profit, it must either reduce expenses or increase net revenue. The most effective directions are: increasing the number of parcel terminals; selection of qualified and responsible employees; return of the bonus system; expansion of branches in other countries, particularly in Germany. A project to open 8 delivery service offices of logistics company «Nova Post» on the territory of Germany has been proposed and substantiated.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTELLIGENCE BASED ON OPEN SOURCES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN PUBLIC FINANCIAL CONTROL PRACTICE 2025-02-13T19:22:14+00:00 Andrii Khmelkov <p>The article attempts to develop scenarios and proposals for the use of network technologies and technologies based on Artificial Intelligence, primarily Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), by agents of the Institute of Financial Control in the audit process. The methodology of control and work with big data during the control process undergoes Author’s improvement. The author’s position on the place of artificial intelligence (AI) in the audit process is submitted.</p> <p>The research was conducted in two planes: theoretical and applied.</p> <p>In the theoretical plane, the role (use) of AI as a subject, on all possible scales or as a tool of a modern auditor, for working with big data (big data) at all component stages of such work is defined and investigated.</p> <p>It is substantiated that in the theoretical plane: the role of AI in the audit process cannot be a subject. It is not appropriate to develop technologies that will allow a person to lose control and management of financial resources. AI should be included in the audit process only as a tool of a modern auditor, for working with big data (big data) for all the constituent stages of such work as a calculation and search tool.</p> <p>In the applied plane, the scenarios of the participation (use) of AI in the audit process as a type of control method and as an element of modernization of the structure of the state financial control method were determined and investigated.</p> <p>According to the conclusion in the applied plane: efforts to develop a scenario for the participation (use) of AI in the audit process as a type of control method are not appropriate, because such a type of control method will not have its own objective to control either the subject or the object of control, as other types of audit have it. This variety has only the nature of implementation ‒ with the help of software. The implementation mechanism cannot replace the purpose of the control measure. Therefore, the conclusion based on this scenario is that efforts to develop such a scenario are not appropriate.</p> <p>Regarding the second possible scenario from the applied level of research, it is determined that such an approach will not directly change the practice of state financial control, but will make it modern and technological, i.e. meet the challenges of time. The way to implement this scenario is to propose to add the technology of work with data (especially big data) - Intelligence based on open sources or ‒ OSINT. The bottom line for this scenario is that this scenario is the most attractive. Its attractiveness lies in the fact that it combines results from two areas of research: theoretical and applied.</p> <p>The result was an opportunity to implement technologies from the SAI arsenal and our proposed OSINT into the structure of the state financial control method and supplement and strengthen its control capacity, namely: the structural element "Methods of control" is supplemented by an additional "Professional method" ‒ "Interpretation of findings of artificial intelligence"; the structural element "Control techniques" is supplemented by an additional technique ‒ "Network control or Net Control"; the structural element "Control tools" is supplemented by an additional set of tools based on OSINT ‒ "Monitoring of the method of conducting the activity of the control object"; "Monitoring of the method of handling the subject of control" or by the shortened and generalized name ‒ "OSINT monitoring of the object and subject of control".</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR CURRENCY RISK OF ENTERPRISES 2025-02-13T19:19:13+00:00 Valeria Yatsenko <p>This article conducts a comprehensive study of the currency risks of companies. It integrates two methodological approaches: the research organization in economics and business by Easterby-Smith et al. and the conceptual modelling method as the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) by Guizzardi. The author systematizes three approaches to interpreting currency risks – statistical, mathematical, and financial-economic. Unlike the other two, the financial-economic approach focuses on how unpredictable exchange rate volatility affects economic agents' activities, particularly their cash flows or market value. Additionally, the author emphasizes distinguishing between currency risk as an actual, realized threat (ex-post) and exposure to potential risk (ex-ante). Despite its constant presence, the latter may not happen and cause losses. Based on the deep comparative analysis of these categories, the author refines the definition of currency risk as the actual change in stock returns or the deviation of market value from fair (former) value due to unpredictable exchange rate volatility. Correctly identifying the risk directly influences the recognition of its type – whether translational, transactional, economic; recurrent, non-recurrent; linear, non-linear; symmetric, asymmetric; implicit, or explicit. It will determine the appropriate quantitative measurement method. In the case of economic exposure analysis, the author argues that classical risk assessment tools such as VaR, open currency positions, and standard deviation are inadequate as they do not reflect the impact of unpredictable exchange rate fluctuations on business activities. Instead, to measure economic exposures, the most popular approach is to apply asset pricing models, primarily the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CRYPTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT SERVICES IN UKRAINE 2025-02-13T19:19:53+00:00 Oleksii Dotsenko Yelyzaveta Pushyna <p>In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, cryptographic technologies, including blockchain and smart contracts, significantly impact various sectors of the economy, including investment services. This article explores the impact of cryptographic technologies on the investment services market in Ukraine, analyzing international experiences and potential applications in the Ukrainian context.</p> <p>The main objective of the study is to develop practical recommendations for optimizing investment services through cryptographic technologies, as well as identifying key advantages and risks associated with their implementation. The article covers an analysis of the current state of the market, examines potential innovations that can be implemented, and develops strategic directions for regulating this sector.</p> <p>The analytical approach employed in the article includes a SWOT analysis, which identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the market, as well as opportunities and threats related to the use of cryptographic technologies in investment services. The study found that implementing blockchain can significantly increase transparency and security of investments, reduce servicing costs, and increase transaction speed.</p> <p>Tasks set before the research include analyzing the potential of blockchain and smart contract technologies to attract new investments, exploring opportunities to reduce risks in the market through greater standardization and implementation of cryptographic security. The research results indicate that cryptographic technologies can play a key role in modernizing Ukraine’s financial industry, providing a higher level of trust and accessibility for investors.</p> <p>The conclusions presented in the article emphasize the need to expand state support for innovation and create a favorable regulatory environment that allows Ukraine to leverage cutting-edge technological advancements to strengthen its economy and enhance its competitiveness internationally. It’s also important to strengthen educational programs to prepare professionals capable of implementing these technologies in the everyday practice of investment services.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024