The democratization of political institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered in the context of the formation of a new world order and at the same time as a natural process of transformation of the Azerbaijani society, taking into account the historical, geopolitical and other features of the country. The author emphasizes the causal relationship between the cardinal transformation and the acceleration of the pace of globalization, which is reflected in the formation of a new understanding of the essence of democracy in transformational societies, and, accordingly, in the positive and negative results of changes. The development of constitutionalism in Azerbaijan from 1918 to 2016 is traced as a reflection of the gradual democratization of the country's political system and the strengthening of unifying tendencies. Particular attention is paid to the periodization of democratization in Azerbaijan, starting from the time of gaining political independence in 1991. The assessment of institutional changes by both domestic and foreign political analysts is provided. The article deals with the relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan with partner countries and neighbors - Turkey, EU, RF. The article examines the positive and negative factors of democratization. The strengthening of the institutions of an independent state, Azerbaijan's accession to the Council of Europe in 2001, the creation of ASAN public service centers on the principle of "one window" are indicated among positive achievements; the continuation of the strict rules of the oligarchy, the preservation of neo-patrimonial features of the political regime, social inequality, the unpreparedness of a certain part of the political elite for the process of deepening democracy, the underdevelopment of civil society, resistance to a real fight against corruption, and others are indicated among the negative factors.
It is concluded that the role of the state and the political class, especially the ruling elite, is significantly increasing in countries that are carrying out political and economic transformation during the transition period.
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