Keywords: geopolitical concept, civilization space, hybrid war, informational war


Radical transformations in the global geopolitical reality led to the immediate development of the latest form of geopolitical conflict – hybrid war. The urgency of understanding is indicated the concept of "hybrid war", of systematization geopolitical concepts, development and implementation of reaching a consensus technology in global and regional hybrid wars. The main characteristic features of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war are considered from the point of view of classical and modern geopolitical concepts are considered.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war is taking place in a fundamentally new world geopolitical environment. Denouement of hostilities from the aggressor countryindicates the inability to achieve the goal by non-forceful methods. It is proved that the main geostrategic goals of Russia are associated with an attempt to turn its own Eurasian resources into the only ones in the world. Thus, firstly, it will create competition for the Atlantic geopolitical system, and secondly, it could lead most states, including Ukraine, to energy depletion, which would contribute to institutional destruction and a crisis of the legitimacy of power. It is being proved that the main reason for the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war is Russia's desire to restore regional and world leadership. This geostrategy is based on a well-founded geopolitical Eurasian concept of Russia, which gives Russian expansion a civilizational meaning and justifies the need to unite the Eurasian continent as a counterweight to the expansion of Atlanticism. From the standpoint of the civilization approach, the geopolitical vulnerability of Ukraine is emphasized due to the fact that it is on the verge of a collision of two powerful civilizations - Eurasian and European. It is noted that during the escalation of the confrontation, the geopolitical border became a real front line, and the territory of Ukraine is used as a springboard for military action. Geostrategic factors are highlighted that explain the conditions for the existence of modern relations between the aggressor state and the object state.


Author Biographies

О. А. Сутула, National Technical University «KhPI», 2, Kyrpychova str., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Lecturer Department of sociology and  political sciense.

С. В. Григор’єва, National Technical University «KhPI», 2, Kyrpychova str., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Lecturer Department of sociology and  political sciense.



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How to Cite
Сутула, О. А., & Григор’єва, С. В. (2021). GEOPOLITICAL COMPONENTS OF HYBRID WAR: CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 38, 109-115.