The position of close connection between the concepts of «national identity» and the concept of «sovereignty» is defended. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in Ukraine the issue of national identity is often related to its ethnic and cultural component. After all, the basis for the formation of national identity after the collapse of the USSR was ethnic identity, mainly due to the fact that in the days of the Soviet state there was no fully developed civil society. But since for a modern nation that integrates into the European community, the civic component of national identity is no less important than ethnic, the next step in its crystallization should be the «cultivation» of a mature civil society.
It is articulated that the latter consists of sovereign, educated individuals on whom social (people's) sovereignty depends, which in democratic countries is essentially and procedurally provided by the rule of law and, ultimately, creates the subjectivity and sovereignty of the latter.
It is noted that one of the important functions of a sovereign state is the ability to recreate its own national identity. And for a democratic state, it is important to provide everyone with the opportunity to make a conscious and free choice of his identity. After all, when there is a possibility of conscious choice, then a mature civil society is formed, ready to defend its own national identity, as the latter will be formed in its own coordinate system of citizens, rather than under duress, which is more typical of authoritarian and totalitarian states. Which, ultimately, will ensure the stability, subjectivity and sovereignty of the state at both the domestic and foreign policy levels. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the nation is a natural community, and the natural community does not have the ability to articulate the problem of the sovereignty of the individual, which is based on the concept of natural rights. The implementation of the latter can be ensured only by the rule of law under the influence of civil society. The implementation of the latter can be ensured only by the rule of law under the influence of civil society. Therefore, the modern national identity in Ukraine can be formed in the context of European traditions, if the full implementation of both ethnic and civic components.
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