Keywords: geopolitics, geopolitical factors, European states, European Union, foreign policy


The basic formatting and reformatting factors of the geopolitical post-Soviet space and its features are considered. Based on the consideration of the theoretical contribution of H. Mackinder, J. Chellen, K. Haushofer it is indicated that the formation of the main foreign policy trends of the European states.

The evolution of socio-political system transformation, economic development and foreign policy of states, which are collectively accessible by the territory is traced. The attention is focused on the development of geopolitical doctrine.

The ripening of the very idea of uniting Europe and the first attempts to implement it, indicating that further changes in the geopolitical configuration after the Second World War of the European states is considered. It is proved that the very fact of the European Union functioning and existence is a powerful geopolitical mechanism for the post-Soviet states. The historical, economic and civilizational reasons for such choice for the post-Soviet states (in the context of Russia, the Baltic countries, Belarus and Moldova) are highlighted.

The prospects for cooperation with the EU, prospective EU cooperation programs, accession to the EU are examined. It is concluded that there are two powerful policy-makers: the EU and the Russian Federation as the most important geopolitical factors of the post-Soviet states.


Author Biography

М. Рагімлі, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61022

PhD student,  Department of Political Science.



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How to Cite
Рагімлі, М. (2020). IMPACT OF GEOPOLITICAL DEVELOPMENT FACTORS ON THE POST-SOVIET STATES. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 36, 41-47.