Public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers at Kharkiv university (1863-1883 years)
In the article it was described and analyzed the main forms and content of public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers at Kharkiv University in the period of 1863-1883 years. It was noted that the main factors that determined the peculiarities of the public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers at Kharkiv University were social and political changes in Russian Empire during the Great Reforms; the development of natural, medical sciences and activization of pedagogical thought; government policy on University education. The author notes that the provisions of the University Charter defined the nature of the public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers as representatives of faculty’s councils. The main forms of such activity were: the duties of dean and secretary of the faculty council, participation in the University court.
The University Charter of 1863 year has caused the further specialization in Medical and Pharmaceutical education. This factor as well as awareness of scientists their own role in solving socially significant problems contributed to involvement scientists to public and enlightenment activity. The above factors influenced the following forms of public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers at Kharkiv University: work in commissions and meetings with representatives from Zemstvo in developing guidelines and measures to combat infectious diseases; the announcement of public speeches during solemn acts and memorable events; the discovery of a private initiative aimed at the development of the University material base and assistance to needy students; popularizing of scientific achievements through participation in medical and nature orientation congresses and scientific societies.
Medical scientists have shown a public position under the influence of the growing patriotism among the general population and in response to the increase in the number of wounded, disabled, homeless and neglected people as a result of hostilities. They gave lectures of special courses on surgery and military surgery for doctors in order to renewal of their knowledge; carried out business trips to the army; provided assistance to the Red Cross Society. It has been established that the experience of the public and enlightenment activity of medical scientists and natural researchers at Kharkiv University in the period of 1863-1883 years could be a model for imitation in the education sector of Ukraine nowadays.
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