Factors of intensification of public and enlightenment activities of domestic medical and pharmaceutical education fundators (end of 19th - early 20th centuries)
In the article it was analyzed the main factors of the intensification of public and enlightenment activities of the founders of the national higher medical and pharmaceutical education at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The author described the factors that associated with the systemic crisis of all sections of the socio-economic, socio-political, national-cultural life of the Russian Empire. The attention was focused on the government's decisions on social and national constraints in the country, the search for solutions to the problem of development of public education and the democratization of University life. In the article it was investigated the role of certain decrees of the Ministry of Public Education, which supplemented the University statute of 1884 year and contributed to the expressions of public opinion of the faculty members.
It was proved that there were such factors of intensification of public and enlightenment activities of scientists of the imperial age as their search for ways of self-realization and possibilities of additional material support, increase of interest in ideas of classical pedagogy, new educational systems. It is indicated that the idea of the creation of folk houses, national Universities was embodied in life in the domestic educational space at the early 20th century. The experience of spreading scientific knowledge at national Universities was borrowed from the pedagogical heritage of Western European educators.
The importance of awareness of the necessity of carrying out broad preventive anti-epidemic measures in the whole country, realization of the needs of the public in the institutionalization of the highest female Medical and Pharmaceutical education, the professional consolidation of physicians and pharmacists and their involvement in the task of securing the interests of the front during the First World War were established. The author of the article describes the general rise of political activity in the territory of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 1890's – in the early 20th century as a factor in intensifying the activities of scientists in the field of public and educational organizations, societies, unions. Among the tasks of such institutions was the unification of specialists and the promotion of the establishment of a friendly relationship between them and their professional development, as well as the dissemination of enlightenment among the people, propaganda of the latest scientific knowledge among intellectuals, improving the working conditions and life of educators, providing assistance to those who studied. It was proved that scientific and special societies played a special role in attracting medical scientists and pharmacists to public and enlightenment activities.
Further research is required in the field of theoretical analysis of public and enlightenment activities of the founders of the national higher Medical and Pharmaceutical education in the University environment and beyond within the research period.
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