Civic and patriotic education of students by means of educational process at higher school

  • І. О. Степанець
Keywords: education of citizen–patriot, educational work, external and internal influence, civil education


The actual task of the development of modern students’ effective patriotism is caused by social division of the society, devaluation of some civic values, lack of motivation to perform patriotic deeds. This problem demands comprehensive approach to its solution. On the basis of scientific generalizations of pedagogical ideas and educators’ experience it is defined entity, the aim, ways and civic importance of patriotic education of students are grounded; its components are highlighted and interaction with political and moral education is described. The forms and means of usage of study subjects content concerning to the civic and patriotic education in the educational process in higher educational establishments of Ukraine are offered. Achievement of student’s education relative to this aim and these tasks associated with the formation of civic position of the individual having national self–consciousness and true patriotism. In the article on the bases of the analysis of classical and modern philosophical and pedagogical literature, civic and patriotic education is considered as one of the key components of national education in civic society. It is generalized the experience in education in the Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian–Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council, that is represented as a system of educational influences that is characterized by diversity, complexity, interaction, sequence, etc. and are fulfilled on the level of different subjects of the educational process and extracurricular work. The described results of the special pedagogical research, been used by the staff of pedagogues for achieving strategic and current goals of the educational work with students, are important for understanding the meaning of the problem and looking for effective ways of its solvation. The article deals with pedagogically approved methods of the civic and patriotic education which provide maximal activation of both intellectual and moral spheres of a future pedagogue’s personality. Pedagogical researches prove that realization of the integral system of educational, organizational and administrative work is able to provide the positive result of the youth’s education if it is done with the efforts of the whole pedagogical stuff, maximally accumulates the potential of the educational establishment as a center of culture, educational sphere which stimulates the formation of a student’s personality as both a national and a professional.


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How to Cite
Степанець, І. О. (2017). Civic and patriotic education of students by means of educational process at higher school. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 172-179. Retrieved from

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