Monitoring quality of scientific and methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment as a component of educational management

  • І. О. Степанець
Keywords: scientific and methodical work, quality of education, professional training, competency-based approach, standardization, monitoring, qualimetric model


The article deals with the issue of monitoring scientific and methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment as a component of educational management, in terms of ensuring quality of pedagogical education. The article lists a number of contradictions that determine relevance of the task of improving scientific and methodical work on the basis of certain standards related to the purpose and content of higher pedagogical education. They necessitate development of an effective qualimetric model for quality assessment.

The scientific synthesis of different approaches to interpreting the notion of monitoring in education has made it possible to distinguish common features that unite all the definitions considered: systematically updated/added system information; the process of compulsory comparison of a phenomenon, an object with a definite developed, substantiated standard, model, etc.; development of standards and assessment criteria.

The monitoring process is stated to have acquired the status of scientific research, which means applying a system of technologies, procedures, means and methods to control development of pedagogical processes and phenomena, to ascertain influence of conditions and factors on pedagogical objects’ functioning.

The author determines functions, directions and explains stages of monitoring quality of scientific and methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment. The emphasis is on pedagogical diagnosis, the results of which are important to influence the quality of education in general and scientific and methodical work in particular, formation of content and definition of the directions, forms and methods of methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment. The search for an optimal qualimetric model for assessing quality of scientific and methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment is carried out on the basis of the pre-defined components.


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How to Cite
Степанець, І. О. (2018). Monitoring quality of scientific and methodical work at a higher pedagogical education establishment as a component of educational management. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (43), 393-410. Retrieved from