Self – learning is the key to distance learning efficiency

  • І. А. Томаз
Keywords: higher professional education, information and communication technologies, distance learning, independent work, learning environment, content


As the title implies, the article reveals the issue of students’ self-learning within the framework of distance learning, which is aimed at providing efficient  self – educational and cognitive activity of students with the use of modern distance learning  educational telecommunication networks during the process of training.

It is especially emphasized that the basis of distance learning is communication between a teacher and a student in an appropriate network of information and communication. It is stressed that  the  ability to learn  independently, which involves self-learning of students and an  individual approach of teachers  is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

It is specially noted that self-learning efficiency requires skilled scientific and methodological support. It should be understood that it is the process of students’  heoretical material  mustering under the guidance of tutors that is of great importance. On its basis the choice of the model of students’ educational activity, design and implementation of educational tasks is carried out. It is worth noting that there are three levels of students’ self-learning activity: reproductive (training), which involves independent modelled work , reconstructive (partially searchable), which is associated with the transformation of the proposed content, and creative (search) level, requiring skills for problem statement and analysis of the problem situation. What is more, one of the types of students’ research activities is the project that promotes the formation of independent thinking and the implementation of a creative approach to solve  search problems . It should be stressed that the student's activity varies in the direction from gaining knowledge to its search. A student becomes the main subject of distance learning. However,it is reported that there is a problem of identifying the learner in knowledge assessment and monitoring, which is still not completely resolved. Therefore, this issue  remains open. It is noted that in order to avoid fictitious education received through distance learning, this issue needs to be given special attention. The directions of further scientific research of the mentioned problem are determined.


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How to Cite
Томаз, І. А. (2019). Self – learning is the key to distance learning efficiency. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 267-277. Retrieved from