Energy Metrics: an experience in assessment of programs developed within a mathematical package

  • Aleksey Viktorovich Borovinskiy
  • Andrey Vladimirovich Gakhov
  • Victor Olegovich Mishchenko


The Energy Analysis for software systems is a complex of static analysis methods aimed to assess software reliability, complexity and benefits. It is based on a range of consistent thermodynamic analogies and uses experience from successes and failures of M. Halstead metrics. An important feature of this direction is that it can be applied to various forms of programming calculations. However, every new form requires to re-define the primitive characteristics needed for evaluation of meaningful metrics, and such definitions are already known for some traditional programming languages. In this work we have investigated XML format of PTS Mathcad and defined such its primitives as length, vocabulary and potential volume.




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Як цитувати
Borovinskiy, A. V., Gakhov, A. V., & Mishchenko, V. O. (2016). Energy Metrics: an experience in assessment of programs developed within a mathematical package. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна, серія «Математичне моделювання. Інформаційні технології. Автоматизовані системи управління», 29, 5-18. вилучено із