Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series «Mathematical modeling. Information technology. Automated control systems» https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia <p>Specialized edition in mathematical and technical sciences.</p> <p>Articles contain the results of research in the fields of mathematical modeling and computational methods, information technology, information security. New mathematical methods of research and control of physical, technical and information processes, research on programming and computer modeling in science-intensive technologies are highlighted.</p> <p>The journal is designed for teachers, researchers, graduate students and students working in correspondent or related fields.</p> en-US sporov@karazin.ua (Oleksandr Sporov (Споров Олександр Євгенович)) journal-mia@karazin.ua (Oksana Afanasieva (Афанасьєва Оксана Олександрівна )) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Evolution of a population of strategies with memory in the presence of a distinct small group https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23249 <p>Topicality. Today, the human population is constantly growing. The influence of societies and subcultures on each other and on the population as a whole is also increasing. It is necessary to expand knowledge in the field of social behavior to improve the understanding of interaction within the population.</p> <p>Key goals. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of selected distinct groups on the evolution of the population. The nature of changes in evolution is studied in the presence of groups of different complexity and size in the population. This work also aims to establish the most evolutionarily advantageous composition and size of a small group and the stage at which a population will be dominated by such a group, if it is possible.</p> <p>Research methods. The evolution of a population with a full set of behavioral strategies, limited only by memory depth, in the presence of a distinct group is considered. Each strategy carrier interacts with all others, themselves included, according to an iterative model of the prisoner's dilemma. Rewards are determined by payment matrices. Each subsequent generation successively loses the most disadvantageous behavioral strategies of the previous generation. Carriers who are members of a distinct group behave more aggressively towards "strangers" and more cooperative with "their own". Different variants of the initial composition of the group are considered, namely the case when the average complexity of a small group is greater than the average complexity of the population as a whole, less, or comparable to it. Variants with different initial size of the small group have been considered – 5, 10, 15, 20% of the population size.</p> <p>The results. The paper shows how the presence of small groups of different complexity and size affects population dynamics. An increase in the aggressiveness of the population has been revealed if there is a small group of any composition in it. The size and composition of a small group that makes it possible to dominate the society and the stage of evolution when it takes place have been established.</p> <p>Conclusion. Based on the results of the article, the main consequences of the influence of distinct small groups on the evolution of the population have been determined.</p> Yurii Bezruk, Volodymyr Yanovsky Copyright (c) https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23249 Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development of a hybrid-based recommendation system https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23250 <p>Modern Internet and web services are flooded with a vast amount of information, which is becoming more challenging for users. Recommendation systems aim to address this information overload issue while personalizing the user experience by providing precise, personalized recommendations based on their preferences. The main goal of this work is implementing a recommendation system for a complex subject area and the algorithm of its integration into the sector of searching for the service providers. The article briefly outlines the main approaches and algorithms used in recommendation systems, highlighting their areas of application, advantages, and disadvantages, as well as description of the implementation of a recommendation system for a complex subject area and the algorithm for its integration into the sector of searching for the service providers. One distinctive feature of the system under development is the importance of geolocation data for the generation of recommendations. An algorithm for a hybrid recommendation system that combines knowledge-based and content-based filtering approaches has been developed. The advantages of the described algorithm include the absence of the need to store and use information about previous user sessions in the calculations, as well as addressing cold-start issues, generating real-time recommendations for the current user session, and solving the problem of determining the location for recommended establishments. The proposed approach can be used for developing and implementing recommendation algorithms in complex subject areas where geolocation data is crucial for providing recommendations.</p> Anzhelika Bielan, Larisa Vasilieva Copyright (c) https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23250 Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis, classification and testing of configuration management tools for software microservices https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23251 <p>Actuality. The development of software applications with microservice architecture (MSA) requires to solve problems of their design, integration, scaling, adaptation, reliability, fault tolerance and, in general, an improving the quality indicators of such systems, and therefore the issue of effective management of MSA configurations is an urgent scientific and technical task.</p> <p>Goal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the functional features of the existing tools for configuring MSA, as well as their classification and testing, which enables their improvement by developing of model-technological solutions to ensure adaptive management in such applications.</p> <p>Research methods. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the basic concepts and the essence of the management processes of MSA configurations were determined, the functional capabilities of some modern tools for MSA configurating were analyzed and their classification is elaborated. For the further research, the Microconfog.io framework was chosen, for which the specific example of the MSA application was developed, its testing has been carried out, and the obtained results were analyzed.</p> <p>Results. A well-founded conclusion was made about the possibility and expediency of increasing the effectiveness of the MicroConfig.io tool by using it as a part of the perspective information technology for adaptive management of the MSA configuration process, for which a corresponding UML component deployment diagram has been developed.</p> <p>Conclusions. The functional features of modern tools for MSA configuring were analyzed, their possible classification was built, and the software testing of one of the typical such systems, namely, the Microconfig.io framework, was provided. A promising information technology of adaptive management of the MSA configuration process is proposed in the form of a component deployment diagram, and the directions for further research are formulated.</p> Dmitry Zinov’ev, Mykola Tkachuk Copyright (c) https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23251 Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Routing a vehicle through city traffic by the time-optimal dynamic path https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23252 <p>The key goal of this study is to synchronize traffic flows, optimize the use of the transport arteries throughout the city, prevent congestion, and follow each vehicle to its destination to minimize time spent on the trip. As a result, the total time spent by cars on the road will be significantly reduced, and environmental conditions will improve accordingly.</p> <p>The object of the study is a city's transportation network, represented as a weighted oriented nonplanar multigraph (WONM). The key advantage of using the graph theory to build optimal routes is based on the following considerations: 1) the graph theory has developed many algorithms for finding optimal routes (Dijkstra algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, A-star algorithm, etc.); 2) the graph theory is used as the theoretical and practical basis of logistical systems, including urban traffic. To build a route in such a multigraph an A-star algorithm has been used, which establishes an optimal time (t-optimal) route between two selected vertices of graph.</p> <p>The study offers a realistic prospect for solving the problem of congestions through the use of a special software algorithm oriented towards establishing optimal routes and using graphs to represent the city's transportation network.</p> <p>The fundamental issue is the representation of the city's transport network in the form of an electronic map and the display of GPS-identifiers of vehicles involved in traffic on this map. The "city traffic → electronic map" representation makes it possible to obtain data as to the level of congestion in the transport network. The use of an electronic city map allows the GPS coordinates of each vehicle to be projected onto it. Thus, the city's transport network is under the full control of the transportation management center (TMC), which has a real opportunity to interact with each vehicle and constantly adjust its route, choosing the t-optimal one. The route adjustment is carried out via General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) channel in the form of voice commands as in conventional GPS navigation. However, the specifics are as follows: 1) the navigation is carried out online; 2) t-optimal routes are plotted, taking into account the traffic situation at any given time.</p> <p>Thus, a large-scale transportation urban traffic network and an associated computer program has been developed. This is an applied project, and its results can be used to effectively regulate traffic in megacities in order to minimize the travel time of each vehicle along a selected route.</p> Petro Nikolyuk Copyright (c) https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23252 Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Automated system for gluing paper bag parts https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23253 <p>Relevance. Gift and souvenir products are usually presented in paper bags. Research and development of practical solutions for automating the process of gluing package parts is an urgent scientific problem and engineering task. This article discusses the issue of the latest software and hardware solution for automating the application of glue to paper products of various sizes, mostly in small batches.</p> <p>Goal. The purpose of this paper is to highlight engineering solutions that allow to develop an automated line for gluing paper bag parts with minimal costs for the company's budget.</p> <p>Research methods. The object of automation is studied, in particular, the analysis of the range of sizes of paper products and the productivity of manufacturing paper bags in manual assembly shops is carried out. The issue of building automated conveyor lines for performing technological operations of gluing paper parts for their further assembly into a package is considered.</p> <p>The results. A study of recent scientific publications was conducted, which confirmed the relevance of designing low-budget automated systems for domestic manufacturers of paper bags. The geometric parameters of the package and the gluing trajectory are described. A structural diagram of an automated system for gluing package parts and algorithmic support for the controller's control program have been developed. A list of the main software and hardware of the system is given. The areas of permissible values of the package parameters are determined. The calculation of the dependence of the carriage speed of the linear motion module on time is given. The result of physical implementation of the system in the workshop of the customer's enterprise is presented.</p> <p>Conclusions. The introduction of the automated system will reduce the number of active employees in the production shop who still perform manual gluing operations. In the near future, we plan to integrate a machine that will feed a set of packages onto the conveyor belt into the automated system as quickly as possible. We plan to improve the mechanical structure above the conveyor belt, namely, to add mechanical devices to ensure the automatic opening and closing of the package as it moves along the conveyor.</p> Valerii Yalanetskyi Copyright (c) https://periodicals.karazin.ua/mia/article/view/23253 Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000