Computer modelling of liquid sloshing in tanks under periodic loads

  • Kirill Degtyarev A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine
  • Andriy Kolodiazhny A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine
  • Denys Kriutchenko A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine
  • Olga Usatova A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine
  • Оlena Strelnikova A.M. Pіdhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 2/10, Communalnikiv Str., Kharkiv, 61046
Keywords: free surface, liquid sloshing in tanks, systems of singular integral equations, boundary element method, damping, Ince-Strutt diagram


The paper aims on developing the computer methodology for taking damping into account when analysing the stability of fluid movement in reservoirs and fuel tanks under periodic external loads

Relevance. Damping plays a critical role in providing stability and reducing potential hazards in tanks partially filled with liquid. Lack of cushioning can lead to motion instability. In liquid tanks, any movement disturbances such as sudden acceleration, deceleration or turning can cause sloshing. Without damping, sloshing can even increase, potentially leading to uncontrolled and dangerous situations, especially in vehicles or at industrial processes. Damping provides control over the clapping dynamics, providing smoother and more predictable behaviour. By damping out excessive vibrations, engineers can ensure that the fluid remains stable inside the fuel tank, reducing the risk of excessive dynamic loads on the tank structure or the vehicle carrying it. Therefore, studies devoted to the study of clapping damping are relevant.

Research methods. The methods of integral equations, the method of given forms, and the method of boundary elements were used to solve the problem of damping splashes.

The results. The spectral boundary value problem was solved and the frequencies and forms of natural oscillations of the fluid were found. Combined horizontal and vertical loads were studied, and zones of stable and unstable movement were found depending on the load parameters. The effect of damping using the Rayleigh matrix was studied. The importance of the obtained results on fluid splashing in rigid tanks is to clarify the critical role of damping in providing stability and reducing potential hazards to the stability of launch vehicle fuel tanks during flight.

Conclusions. The method for determining the time-varying level of the liquid free surface in rigid shells of revolution has been developed. The spectral problem of determining the frequencies and modes of liquid oscillations in a truncated conical tank is solved by reducing it to the system of one-dimensional integral equations. With the help of the Ince-Strutt diagram, the zones of instability of fluid movement under harmonic vertical loads were found. The effect of Rayleigh damping on the growth of the free surface level has been clarified. In the future, it is planned to study the oscillations of elastic shells of rotation with liquid, using various composite materials


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Author Biographies

Kirill Degtyarev, A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine

PhD, researcher

Andriy Kolodiazhny, A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine

Post-graduate student

Denys Kriutchenko, A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine

PhD, junior researcher

Olga Usatova, A. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, vul. Pozharskogo, 2/10, Kharkiv, 61046, Ukraine


Оlena Strelnikova, A.M. Pіdhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 2/10, Communalnikiv Str., Kharkiv, 61046

DSc, Prof., Leading researcher




How to Cite
Degtyarev, K., Kolodiazhny, A., Kriutchenko, D., Usatova, O., & StrelnikovaО. (2024). Computer modelling of liquid sloshing in tanks under periodic loads. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 61, 14-24.