Introduction. The agricultural sector has significant potential in Ukraine and can stimulate economic growth. In this direction, the key factors are further integration into the European Union.
In order to implement the specified priorities at the legislative level, the program for Ukraine "Ukraine Facility" was developed. The effectiveness of regulatory regulation of the agrarian sector should be carried out based on the study of the interaction of economic, legal and social interests and has significant scientific relevance. Systematization, structuring and generalization of the main legal provisions in the direction of reforming the agro-food sector of Ukraine within the framework of the regulations of the "Ukraine Facility" program. The research is conducted for the purpose of collecting, updating, systematizing, analyzing facts, synthesizing new knowledge and generalizations that describe legal phenomena and allow to build cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and subsequently predict their course.
Summary of the main results of the study. For the analysis, the legal norms outlined in the regulations of the program for Ukraine "Ukraine Facility" are applied, which provides for the reconstruction of the agricultural sector of our country during 2024-2027.
The legislative prescriptions of the existing legal regulation of the following sectors of the agricultural market are analyzed: institutional foundations of agricultural production and sustainable development of rural areas; ensuring the operation of the agricultural land market; administrative and institutional capacity to manage investment plans for agricultural production; prospects of the electronic register of agricultural producers; irrigation sector.
Conclusions. The concept of regulatory ordering and regulation of agrarian relations should take into account that their participants are endowed with awareness and independent will, namely, agricultural production should be regulated not only by economic factors, but mostly by environmental and social advantages. Classical science assumes that all participants in the food sector act in the most appropriate way, aiming to obtain the greatest income, researching agrarian relations and trying to predict the behavior of subjects of market relations, and the state of the sector was conducted precisely on this hypothesis. Comparison of the indicated indicators testify to the feasibility of adopting the legal norms set forth in the regulations of the program for Ukraine "Ukraine Facility", which provides for the reconstruction of the agricultural sector of our country during the years 2024-2027.
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