• Андрій Васильович Войціховський Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ
Keywords: Information security, national security, cybersecurity, information space, cyberspace, information society, critical infrastructure, United Nations, European Union.


The article is devoted to the research of legal and organizational principles of ensuring information security of states in the modern conditions of development of information society. Theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence of «information security» and «national security» are analyzed and their interrelation is proved.

The urgency of the chosen topic of scientific research is caused by the fact that confrontation in the information sphere becomes a fundamentally new sphere of competition between the states. The rapid pace of development of information and communication technologies, creation of a global information space has led to many cybernetic threats in important spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life of society. The paper presents the results of the analysis of information security of the state as a factor of influence on the national security of the state as a whole, and thus defines information security as an integral part of national security.

Given the magnitude of the global information challenge, the inability to address these issues through the efforts of individual states, the article explores the issue of international cooperation in providing international information security within the United Nations. The contents of the basic international legal acts adopted by the UN General Assembly, which indicate the threats to the international security of the information space and the need for the states to take joint action to counter the challenges in the field.

Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of regional cooperation of states in providing information security within the European Union. It is determined that this area of EU activity is one of the priorities for today. The main EU normative acts are analyzed, which present the European approach to the problem of information security. The general characteristics of the activities of the special bodies of the EU (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security - ENISA, European Cybercrime Centre), whose activities are aimed at providing information security, are given.

The article explores the issues of guaranteeing information security of Ukraine and protection of the national information space. The types of real and potential information threats to the information space of Ukraine are revealed, as well as practical recommendations are given on improving the state information policy and creating an effective system of counteracting cyberspace threats.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that state information policy should reflect urgent issues that have arisen in the international information and information security sphere. Effective implementation of strategic priorities, basic principles and tasks of the state information security policy requires improvement of legal and organizational mechanisms of information security management.


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How to Cite
Войціховський, А. В. (2020). INFORMATION SECURITY AS COMPONENT NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEMS (INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE). The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (29), 281-288.