Introduction. The article highlights the peculiarities of the legal status of the Office of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine from the standpoint of general theoretical analysis. Attention is focused on the role, tasks and functions of the mentioned institution in the aspect of ensuring law and order in Ukraine and bringing to international criminal responsibility persons wanted by the International Criminal Court on suspicion of committing war crimes.
Summary of the main results of the study. Based on the analysis of the normative agreement on the status of the Office of the International Criminal Court, the essence of the system of features inherent in the legal status of the specified institution is given and revealed. In particular, this is a special regime for the use of court premises in Ukraine, the specifics of the legal regime for the use of court funds, assets and other property by the Office, a special procedure for the use of means of communication and communications of the Office of the International Criminal Court, exemption from taxes, import and export duties. The responsibilities assigned to the Office of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine are highlighted (informing the authorities of Ukraine about the appointment of the staff of the Office and their family members, compliance with the orders and instructions necessary for the safety and protection of the employees of the office given by the Government of Ukraine, the obligation to use office premises with the aim of avoiding criminal liability by persons or carrying out due justice in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the obligation not to alienate property purchased or imported on conditions according to which they cannot be sold, leased, gifted or otherwise alienated, compliance with internal legislation of Ukraine).
Conclusion. The conclusion that the specificity of the legal status of the Office of the International Criminal Court is determined by the complexity of the tasks of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine, as well as social factors that influence or potentially influence the court’s activities, is substantiated. The effectiveness of the Office of the International Criminal Court is a guarantee of the full realization of the legal personality of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine and the creation of conditions for ensuring effective investigation and prosecution of persons guilty of international crimes during the aggression against Ukraine.
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