Introduction. The article highlights the essence of the main innovative transformations taking place in the legal system of Ukraine in the context of intensification of the European integration processes from the standpoint of general theoretical analysis. The author focuses on the interrelation between changes in the national legal system of Ukraine and the State's involvement in European policies.
Summary of the main results of the study. It is found that deepening of Ukraine's participation in European policies depends on several basic organizational and legal factors: formation of a unique regulatory framework for the implementation of EU legal standards into the system of national legislation of Ukraine, institutional reforms in the system of public authorities, improvement of the contractual framework for the development and deepening of political relations between Ukraine and the united Europe. The author reveals the main clusters of EU law provisions which are currently most implemented in the legal system of Ukraine (customs, food security, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, consumer protection and healthcare, statistics, foreign relations, transport policy, freedom of entrepreneurship and provision of services, financial services, freedom of movement of goods). It is proved that formal and legal support for the "transfer" of many areas of public administration and life in Ukraine to EU standards contributes to the formation of new social practices of their implementation similar to the European ones (functioning of public services, law enforcement and public safety, education and science, health care, etc.)
Conclusion. The author substantiates the conclusion that innovative changes in the national legal system of Ukraine determine the degree and depth of our country's participation in European policies. The gradual deepening of involvement of employees of the system of public authorities and local self-government, as well as citizens involved in other spheres of society in the main areas of the EU's functioning, creates a real basis for accelerating Ukraine's accession to the EU. Accordingly, a promising task of legal science is to substantiate the most effective ways of further implementation of legal standards for the regulation of public relations, which are recognised as model ones at the EU level.
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