Speech genre of a joke in the linguodidactic aspect

Keywords: anecdote, joke, linguodidactic potential, speech genre, Ukrainian as a foreign language


Effective communication of foreigners with native speakers is not possible without the knowledge of speech behavior models and the ability to use the typical structures established in the Ukrainian language culture. A foreigner must know a repertoire of speech genres and their structure. The purpose of the article is to characterize the speech genre of ajoke and describe its linguodidactic potential in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.

The paper noticesthe parallel functioning of several terms to denote humorous textsof a small form in the Ukrainian language.The author agrees with the spontaneity of a joke and the constancyof an anecdote, but these conceptsare not distinguished in the article. It is advisable to acquaint foreigners with both terms as the most communicatively activeand derivational productive.

The joke refers to non-standard speech genres, so it is impossible to list humorous lexical and grammatical constructions. Methodological problem in this case is not «teach to joke», but teach to understand some jokes and humorous strategy in the Ukrainian language and to develop communication skills on the material of jokes.

High linguodidactic potential of a speech genre of the joke is determined by the following factors: demonstration of lexical and grammatical structures of everyday communication, increase knowledge of polysemy in the Ukrainian language, a small size of texts, a humorouscharacter, which helps create a friendly and easy atmosphere in class.The article analyzes the use of jokes in textbooks for foreigners and notes two ways of linguodidactic strategies of using jokes as educational material. In the first case, the authors chose jokes according to the textbook topics: acquaintance, family, at University, at the post office, in the store, at the restaurant, etc. Grammar as a leading criterion in the selection of jokes is used in the tutorials focused on a grammar particular topic, such as the verbs of movement, expression of relationships of time, causes, consequences, goals, conditions and others in the Ukrainian language.

When selecting jokes for educational purposes, we need to consider as their themes appropriate to age, psychological and national characteristics of foreign students.



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How to Cite
Швець, Г. Д. (2016). Speech genre of a joke in the linguodidactic aspect. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 144-153. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/6007