The usage of information technologies in the organization of independent work of students who learn foreign languages

Keywords: authentic, foreign language, informational resource, independent work


The article deals with the use of authentic materials from the Internet for independent work of students in the process of learning foreign languages; its impact on the effectiveness of learning foreign languages; classification of different types of tasks, based on the usage of electronic resources. A number of various types of exercises and practical recommendations aimed at the development of students’ independent work skills with the use of online resources based on the level of foreign language proficiency have been listed. The authors of the article identify some opportunities to improve the efficiency of solving the basic didactic tasks in the process of learning foreign languages in the classroom and extracurricular independent work of students. The main aim of the article is to analyze different aspects of the use of Internet resources in the classroom and extracurricular independent work of students at technical universities as the independent work of students is a compulsory and very effective element of education. The peculiarities of implementing modern Internet technologies in the process of students’ independent work have been described in the article.

In addition to this, the article outlines that the competent use of new varieties of students’ independent work and the inclusion of the Internet communications and materials in the process of teaching foreign languages can lead to sufficient optimization of the educational process. The authors conclude that the effectiveness of use of authentic materials in the independent work of students depends on several factors: the level of students’ language proficiency and their motivation but also one of the key conditions is the ability and high qualification of the teacher to apply technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages. 



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How to Cite
Чіміріс, Ю. В., & Чубукіна, О. В. (2016). The usage of information technologies in the organization of independent work of students who learn foreign languages. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 135-143. Retrieved from