Usage of the system of exercises for forming foreign students’ professionally-oriented linguistic competence at the initial stage of training

Keywords: competence, exercise system, foreign students, initial stage of training, professionally-oriented linguistic competence.


The features of creation and usage of the system of exercises in order to create a professionally-oriented linguistic competence are examined in the article.

While presenting the grammatical material, it is important to remember that the understanding of the linguistic units and grammatical system of the language does not mean the achievement of training goals: sometimes foreigners can know grammar, but at the same time they are unable to make their own sentences and to take part in the communication process. Students should not only know grammar, but also succeed in using it while speaking in the process of composing their own statements. This essential task can be implemented through exercises aimed at developing skills determined in accordance with the program goals, communicative and training conditions.

Thus, the main form of students’ activity organization is an exercise. Each exercise pursues a certain educational purpose. The goals of exercises depend on the ultimate goal of training, but they are more particular and relate to the ultimate goals as specific to general. Each exercise contains the necessary amount of linguistic material; certain skills and attainments are supposed to be formed.

Closely-interrelated exercises form an exercise system. The system of exercises is the basis of a training process. It provides students’ activities aimed at achieving specific educational goals in the formation of skills and abilities. All parts of this system should be interconnected and arranged in a sequence that ensures not only the gradual complication of operations, but also the increase of students’ autonomy – from zero to full.

The article presents the methodological substantiation of the organization of the system of exercises. Theoretical principles are illustrated by the examples of using the system of exercises for training foreign students of preparatory departments specialized in visual arts and design.



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How to Cite
Варава, С. В. (2016). Usage of the system of exercises for forming foreign students’ professionally-oriented linguistic competence at the initial stage of training. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 23-32. Retrieved from