Modern Peculiarities of Ethnonational Consciousness and Psychological Characteristics of Students from Morocco.

  • Н. М. Божко
Keywords: ethnicity, educational system, ethno-psychological characteristics, introverted type of thinking


Various reasons of the appearance of students fromMoroccoin the educational space ofUkraineare analyzed in article. The author considers some features of national and cultural identity and psychological differences of students fromMoroccoand explains the reasons of their fatalism and desire to “save face”. Some recommendations for communication with the Moroccans in the situation of intercultural contact are given in the article


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How to Cite
Божко, Н. М. (2016). Modern Peculiarities of Ethnonational Consciousness and Psychological Characteristics of Students from Morocco. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (26), 17-24. Retrieved from