From pedagogic control, correction and assessment to self-control, self-correction and self-assessment

  • Т. Алексєєнко Assistant Professor, Language Training Department 1, Institute of International Education for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • О. Фадєєва Assistant Professor, Language Training Department 1, International Education Institute for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: assessment, control, correction, self-control, self-correction, self-assessment


The article deals with the methods that allow developing mechanisms of self-control, self-correction, and self-assessment in foreign students. These mechanisms are based upon open and hidden pedagogic control, the use of transparent assessment criteria, and timely analysis of common errors. The authors describe the formation stages of internal self-control, the development of which is characterized by a decrease of the teacher’s pedagogic controlling influence. Attention is drawn to the efficiency of the teacher’s flexible approach in regulating a methodically sound balance of pedagogic assessment and self-assessment of their speech activity by foreign students. The authors present a subsystem of special tasks to form mechanisms of self-control, correction, and self-assessment as well as the general requirements to the content of such tasks. They also offer their recommendations for the prevention of errors according to their classification: 1) violation of language system; 2) violation of language norms; 3) violation of usage. The article contains pedagogic strategies related to the organization of the purposeful progressive transition from the teacher’s external controlling, corrective and assessing actions to the formation of mechanisms of self-control, self-correction, and self-assessment in foreign speakers. The authors demonstrate that a purposeful pedagogic activity promotes a reduction of time needed to overcome the language and speech issues, provides for a relatively errorless speech activity of foreign speakers and positively affects the development of their communicative competence. Other necessary components include a precise organization of the learning process, use of quality teaching aids, a rational balance of test and non-test forms of control and availability of special text-book assignments with answer keys.


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How to Cite
Алексєєнко, Т., & Фадєєва, О. (2019). From pedagogic control, correction and assessment to self-control, self-correction and self-assessment. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (35), 13-23.