Linguo-sociocultural competence in the structure of the professional training of foreign language teachers
The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and the place of linguo-sociocultural competence in university teaching of the language and preparation for professional work of foreign language teachers, in particular, Chinese teachers of the Russian language. The invariant and variable aims of education and the communicative needs of students-philologists – future teachers in the current branches of communication are formulated: professional, socio-cultural, business, socio-political and colloquial. The modern points of view on the structure of professional competence of future foreign language teachers, the place of linguistic and socio-cultural competence in its structure are analyzed.
The result of mastering a foreign language by this contingent of students should be an integrative communicative competence, which is a complex of key competencies: linguistic, conversational, socio-cultural and professional. The role of mastering the aspects of the language system, productive and receptive types of speech activity in the process of forming the professional skills of students in communication and studying in the socio-cultural sphere is described.
Cultural studies components of the educational process organization are emphasized. The training of linguistic and socio-cultural competence should be carried out within the framework of the culturological approach. The most developed in the methodology aspect of this approach is linguistic and cultural studies. The linguistic-cultural knowledge, abilities and skills of foreign languages future teachers are systematized. The analysis of the main data formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence is carried out on the example of the organization of the teaching Russian to Chinese students. Methodical solutions for the formation of professionally oriented linguistic and socio-cultural competence based on its cognitive-active model are proposed.
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