Speech training situations at the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language

  • С. І. Гіль Lecturer, Language Training Department 1, International Education Institute for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (61022, Kharkiv, 4 Svoboda Square) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8304-2510
Keywords: presentation, public defense, secondary text, report, text-source


The article is devoted to the problem of modeling educational and verbal communication on the basis of speech training situations at the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language. The basic parameters of real communication in the process of training have been analyzed. Different means of teaching foreign students the Ukrainian speech with the use of speech training situations have been described. The functions of such situations have been specified; the requirements for them have been defined. Speech training situations can be used in various types of speech activity in the classroom. And if we create in the classroom an atmosphere close to the real one that facilitates communication with a foreign language, then the speech training situations are the best suited for teaching the Ukrainian foreign language oral speech.

The creation of speech training situations takes place through the strict selection of vital topics for speech expression through various visual and auditory visualizations, modeling the speech activity of students on the basis of didactic games and textbooks. Such speech training situations are not supposed to have all the signs of an authentic speech situation, but it nevertheless retains the most essential features of natural communication. In foreign students’ speech situations testing of samples and models of real foreign language communication takes place, the speech behavior of foreign students is formed, their attention is mobilized and imagination develops, the learning process is enlivened.

The simulation of communicative situations is an effective language teaching method. The latter meets the needs of the day, as it enables the teacher to ensure the high quality and efficiency of the training activities, to create conditions for students to receive thorough theoretical and practical knowledge at a higher educational institution. In the process of language training organization and speech situations, the teacher plays an important role, since he/she is the organizer of this process.


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How to Cite
Гіль, С. І. (2019). Speech training situations at the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (33), 21-30. https://doi.org/10.26565/2073-4379-2018-33-02