Verbonominants as components of the vocabulary of the official style in the modern Ukrainian language: linguodidactic aspect
The article is devoted to the linguodidactic aspect of the study of verbonominants (undividable verb-noun combinations) as components of the official vocabulary when teaching foreign students the Ukrainian language. The specificity of verbonominants is the property of verbal and some adjectival nouns to be transformed into a verb a one-root with a noun of the appropriate combination, which ensures the formation of a synonymous series whose components, being semantically close, can be interchanged. In practical use, free substitution is hindered by the semantic nuances of comparable synonyms that do not allow them to be identified. Verbonominants are characterized by unambiguousness in the transmission of information, allowing more accurate formulation of the idea, while verbs-equivalents carry a set of meanings in them, it leads to indistinctness in the design of a thought. In the article it has been proved that verbonominants are not just synonyms for replacement, they exist in the language for conveying a certain meaning, as a rule, concrete. A verbonominant calls the corresponding action more definitely, so it is impossible to make a single verb. This is the stylistic weight of undividable verb-noun combinations. The development of combinations is also due to the introduction of new lexemes, and due to the possibility of words to expand their semantic scope. This provides an introduction to the stylistic turnover of combinations which are more distinct than single verbs, convey different shades of meaning. There are some training exercises for developing speech skills in using such combinations in language classes.
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