Global demographic problem of the present: the state and the prospects

Keywords: population, demographic problem, growth, trends, programs, outlook, "center", "periphery"


This article considers Thomas Malthus’s principles of population and the opinions of the Rome Club members as tothe demographic problem. The article notes that at the beginning of the existence of the club its members paid their attention mainly to the contradictions between the society and the nature. But later accumulating the knowledge of the general current affairs on the planet, they came to conclusion about a necessity to prioritize social and mainly demographic problems. These are the Rome Club members who raised the issue of the overpopulation of the Earth on a scientific level 50 years ago. The article also analyzes contemporary dynamics of world population and identifies the direct factors that contribute to its rapid growth in the developing countries (early marriages, influence of religion, traditions in creating large families, prohibitions of abortions etc). We estimate trends in the world population dynamics under the impact of UN programs on family planning that are carried out by the “periphery” countries with the financial support of international organizations. We consider prediction limits of world population growth that are defined with the usage of mathematical models and set by different specialists. We also justify measures as tosolving the problem of the future overpopulation of the Earth that includes the increase of the level of education and public health service in developing countries; the implementation of the Concept of a new world order between the “core” countries of the and the “periphery”; transition to the planned world development based on the model of global equilibrium.


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How to Cite
GolikovА. (1). Global demographic problem of the present: the state and the prospects. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 8-12. Retrieved from