Іmprovement of the methodical approach to the analysis of the efficiency of management of the material and technical base of the hotel establishment
Rational management and constant updating of the material and technical base are important tasks for any business entity in the hotel sector. The subject of research in the article is the management of the material and technical base of the hotel industry. The purpose of the article is to generalize the theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence, composition and analysis of the effectiveness of management of the material and technical base of a hotel and to substantiate on this basis an improved methodological approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of its management. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, comparison, induction, deduction, abstract-logical method, graphical and tabular methods (for a visual representation of the analyzed material). The following results were obtained: the main approaches to the essence of the concepts "material and technical base of the hotel industry" were analyzed and their differences were established. Scientific approaches to the structuring of the material and technical base of the hotel are considered. The requirements for the material and technical base for various categories of hotel establishments according to DSTU 4269:2003 were analyzed. Differences in the requirements for the material and technical base for various categories of hotel establishments according to the Standard "EEIG EU for hotels" have been determined. The main problems of the modern state of the material and technical base of the hotel industry in Ukraine were summarized. An analysis of the scientific literature on the available methodical approaches to the analysis of the effectiveness of the management of the material and technical base of the hotel was carried out. It showed the lack of an established methodology for researching the effectiveness of formation and use in the effectiveness of hotel management, the focus of scientists on the diagnosis of certain aspects of the management of the material and technical base: the analysis of strategic aspects of management, the analysis of indicators of the use of fixed assets or current assets, the evaluation of the hotel's operational program, etc. Conclusions: the conducted research made it possible to substantiate the author's method of managing the material and technical base of the hotel establishment, which includes nine stages, and allows for a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the management of the material and technical base of the hotel establishment from the standpoint of compliance with the requirements of the regulatory framework, the rationality of the management organization, evaluation indicators of the effectiveness of formation and use, analysis of losses of the establishment due to downtime, assessment of guest satisfaction with the material and technical base, which will allow identifying existing shortcomings, link strategic and current management tasks, develop appropriate management solutions to eliminate the identified problems and carry out their economic evaluation.
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