Іnternational experience and current trends in the development of the gastronomy tourism market of the European region in the conditions of COVID-19

Keywords: hospitality industry, gastronomic tourism, gastrotourism, gastronomy, tourism, international experience, development trends


The sphere of tourism business is one of the most powerful and promising sectors of the national economy of the world. Today the modern alternative destination is gaining popularity - gastronomic tourism, which is a specialized type of tourism and includes acquaintance with the national culinary traditions of the world, as well as tasting of food and beverages, which is a synthesis of ecology, culture and production. The subject of research in the scientific article is the current international trends in the development of the gastronomic tourism market of the European region. The aim of the article is to assess the international trends in the development of the gastronomic tourism market and identify key trends for improving the gastronomic tourism market in the current conditions of COVID-19.  In this scientific work the following research methods are used: descriptive, historical-geographical, comparative, statistical, systematization and generalization, terminological analysis, analytical, cartographic. The results of research on this topic can be used in the field of restaurant and hotel business and tourism as ideas for the development and increase of competitive advantages in business, as well as presented for discussion at seminars and conferences in this field. Conclusions: the study of current international trends and innovative trends in the market of gastronomic tourism in the European region allowed to identify key areas and key trends in the functioning, improvement and further promotion of gastronomy as an alternative direction of tourism in the current environment.





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How to Cite
Kateryna Zhylenko, & Alisa Dolhiier. (2021). Іnternational experience and current trends in the development of the gastronomy tourism market of the European region in the conditions of COVID-19. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (14), 154-160. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2021-14-15