The League of Nations and the Position of Russian Emigrants in Poland in the 20–30s of the ХХ Century

Keywords: League of Nations, Poland, Nansen passport, refugee, emigrant


Thousands of undocumented refugees appeared on the territory of European states. The most tragic of their situation was that they were deprived of any international and diplomatic protection. In this situation, only the League of Nations was able to become the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of stateless persons. In August 1921, F. Nansen was appointed High Commissioner for Russian and Armenian Refugees. The result of his work was the creation of “Nansen passports” in 1922 in which there was no column on citizenship at all. Russian refugees were solely controlled by the Polish authorities in Warsaw - the government commissioner, and in the provinces - governors and elders. Thanks to the efforts of the representative of the League of Nations, Charpanier, an agreement was concluded between the Polish authorities and Russian emigrant organizations to create a special legal situation for Russian emigrants. All of them were divided into two categories: refugees and emigrants. The authorities headed for the expulsion of refugees from the country. With the financial support of the League of Nations, the Russian Board of Trustees opened 14 legal aid points in 1923. The legal status of emigrants influenced their employment. The League of Nations allocated funds for the creation of 55 labor cooperatives located in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Augustow. In connection with the massive unemployment in Poland, with the support of the League of Nations, about 2 thousand refugees in 1924-1926. went to work in France. During the global crisis of 1929-1933 About 500 emigrants left for agricultural work in France, with the support of representatives of the League of Nations in Warsaw. Having arrived in Poland, Russian emigrants were deprived of the help of the embassy and consulates; there were no special state bodies providing assistance to refugees.


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How to Cite
Yolkin, A. I. (2019). The League of Nations and the Position of Russian Emigrants in Poland in the 20–30s of the ХХ Century. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (56), 104-114.