Assessment of water quality in the river Lopan within the boundaries of Kharkiv region

  • V. H. Klymenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • N. I. Cherkashyna V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: chemical composition of the river water, quality of the river water, river water quality assessment


The actuality of this article is in the implementation of a systematic approach to the study of natural water quality of the river Lopan (within Kharkiv region).

Assessment of water quality in the rivers has been studied by such scholars as O.O. Alexin, A.M. Gorev, V.M. Zhukynsky, F.F. Kirkov, A.M. Nikanorov, A.V. Ogievsky, O.P. Oksijuk, N.P. Puzyrevsky, V.D.Romanenko, V.K. Khilchevsky, A.P. Yatsyk, et al. But they all studied mainly large river basins, and we propose to investigate changes in the chemical composition of an average river that flows in the industrialized region.

The research has been conducted on the methodology of environmental assessment of surface water quality according to the respective categories, in three blocks: salt, trophy-saprobiological, and the block of specific toxic action substances.

The results of the research have shown that according to the salt block water in the river is saline; according to the trophy-saprobiological block water in the rivers is the most heavily polluted with phosphate phosphorus, which often leads to significant eutrophication of the reservoirs, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen, low water clarity; according to the block of specific substances – with phenols; according to the environmental index surface water quality of the river Lopan virtually did not change during 1980-2014, 2-3 grade (water is quite clean, slightly contaminated), but in recent years there has been no improvement in water quality of the river.

In previous years industry was the main source of water pollution of the river Lopan, but in recent years it is municipal services, industrial enterprises and agriculture. The river Lopan was the most polluted in 1990, the least - in 2010. The biggest pollutants in the river Lopan were nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus and phosphate phenols.

The actuality of this article is in the implementation of a systematic approach to the study of natural water quality of the river Lopan (within Kharkiv region).

Assessment of water quality in the rivers has been studied by such scholars as O.O. Alexin, A.M. Gorev, V.M. Zhukynsky, F.F. Kirkov, A.M. Nikanorov, A.V. Ogievsky, O.P. Oksijuk, N.P. Puzyrevsky, V.D.Romanenko, V.K. Khilchevsky, A.P. Yatsyk, et al. But they all studied mainly large river basins, and we propose to investigate changes in the chemical composition of an average river that flows in the industrialized region.

The research has been conducted on the methodology of environmental assessment of surface water quality according to the respective categories, in three blocks: salt, trophy-saprobiological, and the block of specific toxic action substances.

The results of the research have shown that according to the salt block water in the river is saline; according to the trophy-saprobiological block water in the rivers is the most heavily polluted with phosphate phosphorus, which often leads to significant eutrophication of the reservoirs, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen, low water clarity; according to the block of specific substances – with phenols; according to the environmental index surface water quality of the river Lopan virtually did not change during 1980-2014, 2-3 grade (water is quite clean, slightly contaminated), but in recent years there has been no improvement in water quality of the river.

In previous years industry was the main source of water pollution of the river Lopan, but in recent years it is municipal services, industrial enterprises and agriculture. The river Lopan was the most polluted in 1990, the least - in 2010. The biggest pollutants in the river Lopan were nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus and phosphate phenols.


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Author Biographies

V. H. Klymenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
PhD (Geography), Assistant Professor
N. I. Cherkashyna, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Klymenko, V. H., & Cherkashyna, N. I. (2016). Assessment of water quality in the river Lopan within the boundaries of Kharkiv region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (44), 172-177. Retrieved from