Translation as a means of constructing cultures: philosophical foregrounding

Keywords: cognition, creativeness, culture, development, nation, philosophy, reflection, translation


The aim of the article is to portray translation as a means of constructing cultures in terms of philosophy. Proceeding from the idea that cultural enrichment occurs due to the translation of not only literary works, but also ideas, traditions, way of living, etc., the hypothesis was put forward that philosophical description and analysis of translation should be carried out on the basis of two interwoven phenomena – culture and creativeness. Methodology of the article is determined by general humanitarian principles of interdisciplinarity (use of methods and theories of such correlated disciplines as cultural studies, translation studies, philosophy), anthropocentrism (emphasis on the agent of action as a focal point of translation process), and poliparadigmatism (combination of provisions of classical structural and modern cognitive paradigms resulting in the complex character of the research). Scientific novelty of the research is determined by obtaining some new information concerning the role of translation as a means of (self)cognition / (self)reflection; individual and collective development; and shaping cultural continuum. Innovative approach to translation allows to come to a more profound philosophical understanding of this phenomenon going beyond its linguistic and/or communicative essence and to appreciate its significance for creative self-improvement of all the involved individuals (author, translator, and recipient) as well as for sustained cultural growth all over the world. Conclusions. Conducted research revealed global creative function of translation that helps establish and develop cultures on a universal scale since the majority of national cultures were constructed in the process and under the influence of translation. In the context of Ukrainian colonial and post-colonial history, the article highlighted the role of translation as a cultural catalyst, transmitter of ideas, and defender of spiritual values.


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How to Cite
Rebrii, O. V. (2018). Translation as a means of constructing cultures: philosophical foregrounding. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (16), 64-71.