The dialogue between the poet’s pure soul and nature: transformation, interpretation and translation
The dialogue between the Poet and Nature includes discussion of pure Soul with pure Reason since the late 18th century. The literary discussion was based on thesis of infinite and antithesis of the final human nature. Literary personifications and comparisons characterized a personality temperament as a type of universal nature and psychophysical parallelism. The Greek concept of cyclical time has been problematical for philosophers and poets and became concept of epoch in the work about Seasons, where Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn symbolized the human life: birth, death, maturity and decline. The nature is represented in poetry on both directions vertically and horizontally. There also existed a tradition of allegorical interpretation of soul from pagan myths. Metamorphoses of soul have been observed in the mythopoetical paradigm of “death and life” including a medieval motif of tragic incompatibility between Man and God. In ancient tradition the universe and the natural laws are personified in allegorical terms, and the earth is represented as a giant living organism. The later poetry is similarly intended to illustrate these ideas assimilated into the concrete lived experience. Since the 19th century attention was given to human beings and to the soul in dissolution with nature.
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