Bartolomé Leal: the white negritude of alterity

  • Néstor Ponce
Keywords: Bartolomé Leal, crime novel, ethnological novel, alterity, cultures


This article is a study of Blanca de negro (2015), a novel by the Chilean writer Bartolomé Leal. Leal’s text plays with the tensions between the crime novel and the ethnological novel, pointing us toward an encounter with the contemporary social characteristics of the capital city of Nairobi alongside, more indirectly, those of the other regions of Kenya. Leal’s work is inscribed within a tradition that questions the relationships between cultures from a dynamic and polemic point of view, confronting different ethnicities and nationalities that form part of the African country.



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How to Cite
Ponce, N. (1). Bartolomé Leal: the white negritude of alterity. Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 1(2), 69-81.