Phenomenon of the Image-Symbol Kharkiv-Zalizobeton.

Keywords: Kharkiv-Zalizobeton, symbol, urban space, architecture of Kharkiv constructivism



Purpose: To identify peculiarities of perception of urban space with sense organs, to analyze the basic mechanism of creating a symbolic city’s image, to characterize the phenomenon of the symbol Kharkiv-Zalizobeton in view of the city’s architectural history.

Methods: The systemic approach for analyzing the city as an internal organ is used in the work. The semiotic approach gave an opportunity to interpret urban facilities as units of the sign system, that are connected with each other and can acquire connotations, turn into symbols. The structural-functional approach is used to explain the phenomenon of urban space facilities transformation into symbols. The synthesis method is used in conclusions.

Results: Attention of the researchers was focused mostly on visual perception in studying urban space facilities for a long time. But by understanding the city as an internal organ, the possibility of interpreting the city as systems of interconnected non-random signs is conducted to a conclusion that urban space has several different characteristics and is perceived comprehensively through the sense organs, leaving an impression in individual and collective memory. Usual facilities have not only utilitarian value but also symbolic value. The layering of several planes (information and perception) – objective knowledge about the city, cultural, historical, political contexts, individual objects and space perception, individual and collective memory, experience, accommodation – creates conditions for creating and consolidating a symbol.

Conclusions: The emergence of the image-symbol Kharkiv-Zalizobeton and especially its consolidation and popularity aren’t mistaken. Famous symbolic the Derzhprom building that is the architectural dominant of Freedom Square, is located at the center (the heart) of the city, made of monolithic reinforced concrete, is gray color (color of “emotionless stability”, strength). This symbol turned out to be harmonious for a lot of residents because it was formed as a result of the accumulation of many levels of the city’s perception (as city with a million inhabitants, frontline city, the symbol of the strength and physical and psychological stability, the prominence and significance of the architectural dominant of the central square of the city, called Freedom Square). An architectural history of the city indicates that Kharkiv has many reinforced concrete buildings and this fact forms the logical historical context of the image-symbol, formed on the basis of reinterpretation and metaphorization of the city's widely known reinforced concrete structure, the Derzhprom building.


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How to Cite
Kurushyna , M., & Snitko, I. (2024). Phenomenon of the Image-Symbol Kharkiv-Zalizobeton. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 38, 104-113.