Traditions of produktion and funkcional use of wax candles in the Zarichne region (Rivne oblast): based on field materials.
Research aim. is to study the traditions of making and functional purpose of wax candles based on expedition materials collected in Zarichne region. The realization of the formulated goal involves solving the following tasks: to analyze traditional and modern methods of making wax candles; to find out which dates and events were most often made of svichki; consider the customs associated with the manufacture and consecration of street and passion candles, their use and apotropaic properties; highlight the peculiarities of making a wedding candle and changes in its functional load; note the peculiarities of making funeral candles. The object of research is a wax candle as an attribute of calendar and family rites, a relic of the cult of fire. The subject of the study is the manufacturing, application, and apotropaic properties of the wax candle.
Methodology of the research. The research based on the principles of historicity, objectivity, systematicity, and complexity; historical research methods (analysis and synthesis, typological, comparative-historical). The ethnological research method used is the collection of field materials according to the authors program-questionnaire; the collection of information was carried out using the bush method of ethnological research. Field materials collected by the author in the Zarichne region were used. The term “Zarichnenshchyna” is used in the meaning of the district until 2020. After the administrative reform, the surveyed settlements became part of the Varash, Zarichne and Loknytsa territorial communities of the Varash district of the Rivne region
The scientific novelty. of the article lies in the fact that, for the first time in the Ukrainian ethnological literature, it highlights the ethno-cultural features of the wax candle of the Zarichne region, and the used field materials are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Conclusions. It was found out that the most ancient way of making candles was twisting, rocking. From the second half of the 20th century. use soaking and pouring into metal tubes. In recent decades, the twisting of candles from a sheet of wax and pouring them into detachable silicone molds has become widespread. It is noted that candles were made for the holidays of the calendar and family cycles. Street and passion candles were most used. The first candle is most often used as an apotropaic remedy against thunder and storm. Passionate candle, according to the beliefs of Polish people, is a powerful apotropaeus against impure and evil. Changes in the production and functional purpose of the wedding candle are substantiated: now it is usually bought; and from a purely wedding candle, which symbolized the union of newlyweds and their families, it was transformed into a wedding candle. A funeral candle is bought, or a “stritenska” candle is used.
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