Scale of Belief in The Power of Money

Keywords: social attitudes, belief in the justice of the world for oneself, belief in the power of money, subjective well-being, satisfaction with life, adaptation, standardization, validity, reliability


The article presents the results of the development and standardization of the "Belief in the Power of Money Scale" methodology. The scale consists of 10 statements, which are evaluated according to the degree of agreement with each item from 1 to 7 points. 563 people (24.01±11.95 years old), among whom 198 are male carriers, were involved in the standardization of the methodology and the collection of relevant norms on the domestic sample; 365 - female. Psychodiagnostic methods: the scale of subjective well-being by H. Peruye-Badu, the scale of satisfaction with life by Diener, the scale of belief in a just world by C. Dalbert, the scale of belief in the power of money by I. Kryazh. The most important of the social attitudes for the subjective well-being of the subjects is the belief in the justice of the world for the person himself. This applies to emotional and cognitive parameters of well-being. However, in contrast to life satisfaction, emotional comfort is more affected by the negative effect of belief in the power of money. During the analysis of the psychometric indicators of the adapted version of the technique, its content and construct validity were checked; reliability and coherence of its points; in addition, test norms for the Ukrainian-speaking sample were obtained. Test norms were determined separately for groups of men and women.


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How to Cite
Kryazh, I. (2023). Scale of Belief in The Power of Money. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (75), 53-64.