The review process

Articles are published after receiving positive feedback from two reviewers appointed by the editorial board. The reviewers involve members of the journal's editorial board - experts on the subject matter to which the submission is submitted. Reviewers evaluate the article in terms of the originality of the results, the adequacy of the methods, and the relevance of the analysis findings and decide on the adoption of the article unchanged after the article adjustment according to the comments or rejection. The journal uses double-blind peer review.

Reviewers must consider the following questions and answer "Yes" or "No":

1. Is the state of the issue described in the article sufficient, considering modern data?
2. Is the statement of the problem in the article formulated, substantiated, or linked to the problem?
3. Are the methods used to solve the problem justified and correct?
4. Is the article's result original and meaningful?
5. Is the task in the article solved?
6. Are the conclusions of the article formulated, substantiated, or contain novelty or weighty?
7. Does the article title reflect the subject of the article?
8. Do the abstracts reflect the article's content and contain the problem, task, method, and results?
9. Keywords: informative and relevant to the problem?
10. Article: is it structured with three sections: introduction, main body, and conclusion?
11. Factual data in the text, tables, and figures: 1) Are they presented? 2) Are they convincing?
12. Figures: 1) Are they informative and explained? 2) Are they of acceptable quality?
13. References: 1) Is the number, content, and detail sufficient? 2) Do they include modern publications?
14. Do they meet the standard: 1) the quality of language? 2) the style of presentation? 3) the design of the article?
15. Does the article align with the journal's profile?

Reviewers indicate opinion:

  1. Accept without change;
    2. Accept after taking into account the comments of the reviewer;
    3. Reject or add new factual material;
    4. Reject since the article does not correspond to the profile of the journal;
    5. Reject because the article contains already known facts.

The technical editor checks the materials submitted for compliance with the journal's rules.

The period of the review process is one month. After receiving the articles from reviewers, the authors are given two weeks to make corrections according to the comments of reviewers and editors.

The journal's editorship carries out a policy of equal access for authors from all countries to publish articles in the journal.