Keywords: digital technologies, politics, political public relations, political processes, political communication


The article attempts to conceptualize the study of the impact of digital technology in politics. It analyzes the current academic literature on the topic of digital technologies in politics, political communication and political public relations. The approaches to the formulation of the problem, as well as the challenges faced by scientists in the study of digital technology are highlighted. The analysis of foreign and domestic scientific literature is carried out. The article points out the factors influencing the research of the problem, the features and challenges that exist for scientists. A comprehensive analysis of scientific papers of recent years was carried out. Author attempts to identify the main areas of research on the impact of digital technologies on political processes. Due to their importance, there is a large number of studies that cover issues from different sides, little related to each other. Therefore it is problematic to form their subject field or a holistic view. Considered the development of scientists devoted to the impact of digital technologies on political public relations, political communication, political participation, political processes. The analysis of research devoted to political activism, protest movement, communication of political parties. Researches devoted to the digitalization of foreign and domestic political processes in the state were considered. The concepts of digital diplomacy and bureaucracy are analyzed. It was found that there are difficulties at the stage of defining approaches to the study of the role of digital technologies in politics. It is noted what their features are at the present stage. Analyzed the works of domestic scientists and the current state of the issue. The paper attempts to conceptualize and identify the problems, directions, and prospects for the study of the impact of digital technologies in politics.


Author Biography

Mykyta Shmanatov, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

PhD Student, Department of Political Science.


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How to Cite
Shmanatov, M. (2021). DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AS A FACTOR INFLUENCING POLITICAL PROCESSES: AN ATTEMPT AT CONCEPTUALIZATION. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 40, 29-37.