The influence of trust and mistrust on international relations is considered. The difference between such phenomena as «culture of trust», «culture of mistrust» and «culture of disbelief» is shown. Based on actual examples, it is analyzed how trust-based international relations are formed (special attention is given to whether the states follow written and unwritten “rules of the game”), how trust can be broken down and mistrust can grow, and how trust can be restored in international relations (two ways to restore trust are provided: gradual mutual tension reduction and valuable signals).
Based on the theoretical provisions of the concept of F. Fukuyama, the interrelation between trust and economic development is shown (economically developed countries have a high level of trust both within a society and at international level). Based on P. Sztompka’s theory, it has been proved that truly stable trust-based relations can be formed only between democratic, peaceful, harmonious, and holistic societies.
It has been proved that trust in international relations contributes to an increase in security, economic and cultural development, an increase in the living standards of the population, and reduces the likelihood of armed conflicts. In the aggregate, trust-based relations at the international level form a sustainable world order. It turns out that mistrust brings about chaos in international relations, diminution of the security, arms race, armed conflicts, and the destruction of the world order.
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