The multifaceted democratic processes in modern political science are considered, which are reduced to a number of theoretical concepts related to defining the essence of the concepts of «democracy», people’s «freedom of speech», various concepts of democracy.
The basic goals and principles of democracy formation, which are very important in the modern world, are studied and defined, because the value of democracy in the 21st century is not only that it makes it possible to establish the effective rule of law. Emphasis is placed on the values of democracy in its inner essence. The importance of democracy is argued because it embodies the idea of equality and freedom, the idea of human and individual dignity, the idea of the right to choose for everyone, the possibility of exercising the right to vote for the formation of a government that would take into account the interests of voters.
The constituent features of democracy are analyzed, in particular the criteria which allow to define this or that state as democratic; the basic principles of democracy and its certain levels are considered; specific examples of the democracies formation, taking into account their national characteristics, as well as ways to control citizens over the political decision-making process, which can promote or hinder the achievement that will contribute to true freedom and equality of citizens in the state.
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Shapoval, V. M. 2005. Suchasnyy konstytutsionalizm (Modern constitutionalism). Luhansk: vyd-vo SNU im. V. Dalya (in Ukrainian ).
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