«And ye shall Know the Truth, and the Truth shall Make You Free»: the Truth and Freedom in Bible

  • Світлана Іванівна Петренко Інститут журналістики Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченко
Keywords: truth, freedom, will, cognition, conceptual characteristics, texts of the Bible, semantic components, socially oriented action, mechanisms of the interaction, social communications


This article gives insight into the content of the biblical postulate as well as the meaning of the words "truth", "freedom" and "will" in the Bible texts. It also analyses essential features and characteristics of these concepts and the mechanism of interaction between them. Consequently, freedom is viewed as a fundamental value for an individual, truth - as a factor of freedom, the cognition of the truth - as a means and a necessary condition for obtaining freedom. The conclusion is made that true freedom is acquired through the knowledge of absolute meaning of truth, whereas "own truth" leads to "own" perception of freedom and is destructive by nature. The author claims that the concept of truth in absolute measurement is transcendental and is closely related to God and God's law, which allows a deeper penetration into the nature and social action of truth. The analysis of biblical examples of socially oriented actions of truth and related consequences indicates that truth has a mechanism of action which requires a separate research. The author concludes that the cognition of truth involves not only knowledge and understanding of the truth essence and its value but also the action - the truth in thoughts, words, behaviors, life style - as a necessary condition for cognition which finally leads to liberation and true freedom as well as enhances the development of a free personality and the society as a community of free people.

тва свободных людей.


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Author Biography

Світлана Іванівна Петренко, Інститут журналістики Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченко

аспірант кафедри соціальних комунікацій


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How to Cite
Петренко, С. І. (2018). «And ye shall Know the Truth, and the Truth shall Make You Free»: the Truth and Freedom in Bible. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (78). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/philology/article/view/11096
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