About the Journal

The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Philology” is a professional publication in the field of philological sciences (Specialty 035 «Philology»), category B (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 from 17.03.2020)

UDC 81+82

Founded in 1965.

Founder and publisher: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

For scientists, postgraduate and doctoral students, students of philology and for everyone who is interested in philology problems.

The publication is registered at ISSN International Center - ISSN 2227-1864

Media identifier in the Register of the field of Media Entities: R30-04475 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

Published two times a year.

The language of publication: Ukrainian, English. Summaries in English, Ukrainian.

All articles are blind peer-reviewed.



The Journal contains original articles about topical issues of modern linguistics and study of literature.

Subject matter

  • semantics and poetics of literary work;
  • modern studies of modernism and postmodernism of the XX-XXI centuries;
  • intertextual connections and reception of works of fiction;
  • study of the work of fiction through the prism of the interaction of the text and the context; literary anthropology;
  • cultural and aesthetic aspects of the study of literary phenomena;
  • Kharkiv philological school traditions and the history of philological department;
  • lexical and phraseological semantics;
  • cognitive and linguacultural aspects of language study;
  • сommunicative-pragmatic dimensions of different types of discourse;
  • classical languages in the modern linguistic paradigms.


The aim and the tasks of research edition The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology:

  • to promote the development of Ukrainian scientific potential and its integration into the world scientific space;
  • to create a space of high-quality public communication of scientists, to report the results of their research activities to the domestic and world scientific-research communities;
  • to contribute to forming of new methods of linguistic and literature research.

Professional Ethics

The journal is aimed at protecting high standards of ethics in the field of public disclosure of research results and takes all possible measures to prevent any illegal publications.

Articles should correspond to the international rules of academic writing and academic ethics (see: http://ori.hhs.gov/avoiding-plagiarism-self-plagiarism-and-other-questionable-writing-practices-guide-ethical-writing).

Articles should present new research of a high academic level that hasn’t been published before. 

The Editorial Board follows the ethical norms stated in the documents:

Responsible publication for editors (Responsible research publication: international standards for editors);

Responsible publication for authors (Responsible research publication: international standards for authors).

The journal is committed to meeting the high standards of publishing ethics set in the Code of Ethics for Ukrainian Scientists and by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at all stages of the publication process.

 The Editorial Board follows the rules of FAIR PLAY: manuscripts are evaluated for their scientific merits without regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship or political philosophy of the author.

Responsibility of editors, authors and reviewers

The evaluation of the articles is based on the so-called “single-blind” peer review and “double-blind” peer review. All the comments by the reviewer on a particular paper are discussed only between the parties involved in the process of publication: the editor, the responsible secretary, authors and reviewers.

The editor and the responsible secretary receive and peer review the materials from each participant, regardless of gender, nationality, religious / political / sexual orientation, etc. To achieve a high level of objectivity and avoid copyright infringement in the process of studying the material, the editor and the responsible secretary must not disclose information about the submitted manuscript and its author to anyone other than the author and the reviewers. On the basis of conclusions received from the reviewers, the editors have the right to accept the manuscript, to reject the material, or to require a participant to finalize it. Only manuscripts with positive reviews can be published in the journal.

Taking into account that in some cases the decision about publishing of a manuscript cannot be taken on the basis of the opinions provided by the reviewers, the editor may involve additional reviewers. The final selection of articles for publication is done by the editor. Unpublished manuscripts should not be used by the editor or reviewers for any purposes and should remain confidential information for third parties.

The authors will be informed of the decision to accept and publish their manuscripts as soon as possible. After acceptance, the materials will usually be published in the next available issue of the journal. The editors have the right to reduce and modify the article with the preservation of the main conclusions and author’s stylistics. All the changes are agreed with the author.

By submitting articles, the authors reserve the copyright to authorship of their work and give the journal the right to first publish this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows third parties to distribute freely materials published in the journal with a compulsory reference to the authors of the original work and to the first publication of work in this journal.

The authors agree with the terms on the definition and protection of copyright, which will be applied to the submitted manuscripts, after the material will be published in the journal. The submission of the article provides that the material given is the original work of the authors, which was not published previously, not accepted for publication in the another place and is not being considered in other editions, its publication is carried out with the joint consent of all authors of the manuscript, and if it is accepted for publication, it will not be published in another edition in the same form, in English or in any other languages, without the written consent of the publisher.

The authors of the articles are responsible for the content of the papers, the validity of the facts, quotes, their own names, geographical names, the names of enterprises and organizations, and other information. Thoughts expressed in these papers may differ from the point of view of the editorial board of the journal. The responsibility of the authors is to ensure that papers submitted for consideration by the Journal’s are prepared due to high ethical standards.

Having been receipted all the papers are submitted for peer review. The reviewer must provide a clear and objective conclusion, avoiding personal criticism and subjectivity. All the reviewer’s comments and suggestions must be reasoned. The reviewer undertakes to keep all the received manuscripts in strict confidentiality and not to use them for personal interest. All relevant data sources in the manuscript must be confirmed by the reviewer. The reviewer must immediately notify the editor of any similarity to the material with the text of the before-published work or if there is any doubt in the academic plagiarism.

Journal policy regarding academic plagiarism

Respect for intellectual property rights is a guiding principle of the professional ethics of The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology. Academic plagiarism is a clear violation of such ethical principles. In accordance with the Provisions on the system for prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in scientific and academic papers of the staff and students of V.N. Karazin National University, the Editorial Board checks the articles admitted for publication for absence of academic plagiarism.

 The journal will reject any materials that don’t meet the anti-plagiarism requirements.

  Regarded as varieties of plagiarism are:

  • copying and publishing another person’s work as one’s own;
  • the word-for-word transcription of text fragments (from a sentence to a group of sentences) of another person’s work without quotation marks and citing the source.
  • making minor amendments in the copied material (rewording sentences, changing arrangement of words, etc.) without quotation marks and citing the source;
  • excessive use of paraphrasing (rewording of something written by someone else) without citing the source.

 The main system for plagiarism detection is Strikeplagiarism.com.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the general social progress.

By “open access” we mean free public access on the Internet that allows anyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, do a search, or link to the full text of the papers, scan them for indexing, use them for any other legitimate purposes, without financial, legal or technical barriers, except of those related to the user’s personal access to the Internet itself.

The only restriction on the reproduction and distribution of materials is the observance of copyright in this area, which implies the author’s ability to control the integrity of his work, the proper recognition of his rights and citation.

Every user of the Internet has free and unrestricted access to full texts of the articles published in the journal. After posting, all materials are immediately available online (without long wait). In particular, the papers published in The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology, after the publication of the next issue, are placed in a PDF file format on the journal’s website. All the visitors of the site have free access to the full texts of the materials published in the journal. Thanks to this, authors have an opportunity to submit their own research to the scientific community for consideration.

Copyright Policy

The authors retain the copyright for all their works, published in the Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology.

Submission to the editor of the journal suggests that the material is original, unpublished work of the author and is not accepted for publication elsewhere and is not in any other publisher of printed and electronic publications.

The publisher collaborates with V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and allows it to create permanent archives of published issues of the Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Philology for the purpose of storing and restoration.

The peer review process

  1. All the papers submitted to the editorial board of the Journal and corresponding to its thematic and requirements are reviewed.
  2. A paper review is realised in a form of double-blind peer review (the author and the reviewer know about each other).
  3. An external review is certified in accordance with the procedure established in the institution where the reviewer works. The review must be signed by the reviewer with noting of the position, academic degree and rank.
  4. The paper is registered at the editor’s of “Journal” with noting of the date of receipt, the title, full name of the author(s) and the place of work.
  5. The executive secretary reports to the authors that the paper was receipt within 7 days.
  6. The executive secretary determines the relevance of the paper to the journal’s specialization and to the requirements for the design, which are posted on the website of “Journal” (http://wwwphilology.univer.kharkov.ua/nauka/ Visnyk_ Philology.html). In case of inadequacy the paper is not allowed for further consideration.
  7. The editor-in-chief sends the paper to the internal reviewing to a member of the editorial board, who has the closest specialization to the subject of the paper.
  8. The review period is not to exceed four weeks from the date of receipt.
  9. The internal review should cover the following issues:
    - actuality and scientific novelty;
    - the validity and significance of the results;
    - assessment of the author’s personal contribution to the solution of this problem;
    - correspondence of the language, style, composition, logic of representation to the scientific nature of the material;
    - the quality of the design;
    - what exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the paper, which corrections and supplements must be made by the author;
    - conclusion about the possibility of publishing of this manuscript in the journal: “recommended”, “recommended after the corrections of shortcomings noted by the reviewer” or “not recommended”.
  10. The reviewer decides on the expediency of the publication, the necessity to revise the manuscript, or the inexpediency of publication. The review must be signed by the reviewer with noting of the position, academic degree and rank.
  11. The reviewers are reported that the manuscripts sent to them are privately owned by the authors and relate to non-disclosure information. Reviewers are prohibited to make copies of the papers for their own needs.
  12. If necessary, the paper is sent to the author with a proposal to take into account the comments of the reviewer. In case of rejection, the editorship sends the author a motivated refusal.
  13. Manuscripts, revised by the author, are repeatedly sent to the same reviewer who made critical remarks, or to another one at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.
  14. Manuscripts, the authors of which have not removed the constructive comments of the reviewer or have not proposed well-reasoned refutation, are not accepted for publication.
  15. The final decision about the possibility and expediency of publication is taken by the editor-in-chief (or, on his/her behalf, a member of the editorial board), and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.
  16. According to the statute about the system of preventing and detecting of academic plagiarism in scientific and educational work of the employees and students of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, before the submission of the Journal for consideration of the academic council of the department, the editorial board checks the adopted for publication papers for academic plagiarism, which is noted in the certificate signed by the editor-inchief. The check is carried out using the Anti-Plagiarist Internet System Strikeplagiarism.com (the property of Plagiat.pl Company)

International indexing

The journal is indexed and/or abstracted in the international scientometric, full-text and abstract databases:

Google Scholar;

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.