Reflection of the Dynamics of the Language Grammatical Sub-system through the Prism of the Notion of Absence

Keywords: language history, lexical semantics, national and cultural specificity, cognitive interpretation


The notion of absence is viewed as a linguo-cognitive phenomenon that has certain means of its representation in language. The purpose of the article is to trace the changes in the Russian grammar in correlation with the notion of absence, which is semantically heterogeneous and reveals the national specifics of the studied language. The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism. The tasks of distinguishing between past and present phenomena outlined in the study have been solved using the method of actualization. Explanation of the appearance of empty links in the structure of the Russian language is based on cognitive studies of the notion absence. Since asymmetric relations penetrate into all levels of the language system, and the theory of oppositions reflects the essential characteristics of language, the abstract notion of absence is foregrounded in explaining the privative nature of a language. Studies of the essence and the phenomenon of the notion of absence in the grammatical system resulted in the following ideas: manifestations of the notion of absence reflect grammatical lacunae that may correlate with different semantic types of the notion of absence in Russian grammar. Based on the historical facts of the Russian language and their cognitive interpretation, three semantic types of the notion of absence have been conventionally distinguished: complete absence, recovered absence, and disappearance. In the methodological aspect, the article combines psychological and socio-cultural vectors. The research methodological foundation made it possible to trace and describe lexical and grammatical mechanisms of forming the notion of absence at the grammatical level of the Russian language system.


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Author Biography

Olga Radchuk, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Professor at  the Professor Mihaylo Hetmanetc Department of  Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages


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How to Cite
Radchuk, O. (2024). Reflection of the Dynamics of the Language Grammatical Sub-system through the Prism of the Notion of Absence. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (94), 90-96.