The cyclization of the late prose of Ivan Bunin: the author’s changes and censorship

  • Алексей Петрович Орлов Полтавский национальный педагогический университет имени В. Г. Короленко
Keywords: artistic image, cycle, cyclization, author, archetype, original position, impressionistic image, homestead image, imaginative paradigm, artistic space


The aim of this research is to implement the phenomenological analysis in order to define the logic of the author's stories cyclization of the 20-50-s, an essential feature of which is a combination of opposing existential experiences. The author of the article proves that the writer’s selection of his works for the new cycles were made by determining the dominant narrative, which gave the impetus to understanding the other texts. Thus, the writer radically changed the title of the first collection – «Rose of Jericho» to «Spring in Judea», respectively – the dominant character. Separately analyzed the contravention of the author's logic in the construction cycle «Dark Alleys», which becomes the semantic and compositional center in the works of Ivan Bunin acquires a tragic and deeply philosophical meaning.



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Author Biography

Алексей Петрович Орлов, Полтавский национальный педагогический университет имени В. Г. Короленко
аспирант кафедры мировой литературы


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How to Cite
Орлов, А. П. (2017). The cyclization of the late prose of Ivan Bunin: the author’s changes and censorship. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 89-92. Retrieved from
The problem of studying an artistic work through the prism of the interaction of text and context