Reasoning of didactical conditions of formation of information and digital competence of students of medical college

  • Н. В. Юхно
Keywords: student, medical college, didactic conditions, formation, information and digital competence


In the article the author defines the essence of the concepts of «competence» and «information and digital competence». The didactic conditions for the formation of the information and digital competence of students of medical college are determined and substantiated: updating of motivational and valuable training of students of medical colleges; organization of interaction between students and teachers of medical colleges in the Internet through the creation of an information and digital learning environment based on individual student support; the creation of individual educational paths for students while undergoing training and production practices.

The main areas by which the process of forming the professional interest of students of medical colleges should be: activating cognitive and creative activity of students, namely: familiarization with the peculiarities of the profession of a nurse during the process of lectures, discussions; practical orientation – use in the classes of the medical role-playing game, solving the situational tasks of medical direction, conducting professional discussion; direct contact with patients of clinical departments on the bases of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments, as well as the use of ICT for the processing and analysis of medical and biological information.

Growth and implementation of ICT in the field of medical institutions creates difficulties for their future medical personnel, as these technologies are "absent" on educational facilities of educational institutions. The structure of curricula, production and pre-diploma practices does not involve the full seizure of medical information systems located on the territory of medical institutions. The article finds that the process of individual support involves an active position of the student in obtaining the necessary amount of knowledge, skills, as well as ways of acquiring the experience of independent cognitive activity.

The individual educational route is determined by scientists as a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program in the course of teaching teachers to support their self-determination and self-realization.


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How to Cite
Юхно, Н. В. (2019). Reasoning of didactical conditions of formation of information and digital competence of students of medical college. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 315-322. Retrieved from