Implementation of technology forming professional and pedagogical culture of future teachers of music art in the universities of China

  • Лю Чан
Keywords: future teacher, China, musical art, formation, professional-pedagogical culture, technology, stages, realization


In the article the author developed the technology of formation of the professional-pedagogical culture of future teachers of musical art. The following stages of the technology implementation are offered: motivational-purposeful, content, organizational-creative, productive-criterial. At the motivation-purposeful stage, the content and tasks of the developed technology are determined, the interest of the future teachers of musical art is emerging and the motivation for their own vocational and pedagogical culture is formed. At the content stage, the peculiarities of the vocational and pedagogical culture of future teachers of musical art were determined, meaningfulness of its main components was comprehended, the acquired knowledge was aimed at the awareness of the formation of its own vocational and pedagogical culture. At the organizational and creative stage, students learned to analyze their own professional skills, personal qualities, they were seized by the means of forming the professional and pedagogical culture of future teachers of musical art. At the productive-criterial stage of the technology, future teachers of musical art actively participated in the project activity, understood the need to independently choose the means of forming their own vocational and pedagogical culture. These actions characterize future teachers of musical art as capable of self-development, self-education, self-analysis, and understand the importance of professional-pedagogical culture in professional activities. The formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, which was aimed at the implementation of the developed technology, was carried out during the three academic years (2016-2019) in the following foreign affairs of the People's Republic of China: Zhejiang Music Conservatory, Lishui Professional and Technical College. In the pedagogical experiment, 312 people participated, of which one experimental EG group (160 persons) and one control group (152 persons) were created.


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How to Cite
Чан, Л. (2019). Implementation of technology forming professional and pedagogical culture of future teachers of music art in the universities of China. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 181-190. Retrieved from